Harmonizing HE in ASEAN – Generating Trust between ASEAN Member bStates by Mak Ngoy DG of HE, MoEYS at the 2nd SHARE National Workshop on the Impact of Qualifications Frameworks and Learning Outcomes on HE in SEAN 19-20 July 2016, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Harmonization of HE toward supporting ASEAN Integration I. ASEAN Context ASEAN Integration (AEC) 2015 and Beyond Student Mobility Skilled Labor Mobility Institutions and Mechanisms to Support Mobility ASEAN Meeting for Ministers Education (AMME)– Government ASEAN Quality Assurance Network (AQAN) – Accrediting Agencies ASEAN University Network (AUN) – Universities ACTS, AQAF, AQRF, AUN-QA, MRAs, AIMS
C. Platforms to Support Mobility ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) – Platform to promote students exchange within ASEAN States and Beyond ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs): Aim to facilitate mobility of professionals/skilled labor in ASEAN. Through exchange of information, MRAs also work towards the adoption of best practices on standards and qualifications 8 Professionals: Engineering, Architecture, Nursing, Medical Doctor, Dental Doctor, Accountancy, Tourism and Surveying.
A. Cambodia Vision 2030 – High Middle Income Country II. Cambodian Context A. Cambodia Vision 2030 – High Middle Income Country B. Law and Policy on HE Development and Quality Improvement Law on Education Royal Kret on Accreditation Sub-decree on Cambodia National Qualification Framework Sub-decree on Criteria for HEI Establishment Policy on HE Vision 2030 5-year Education Strategic Plan
Challenges toward Harmonizing HE in ASEAN Capacity and Resources to Implement Set Policies and Strategies Large Gap of HE Level within AMS (6 AMS and CLMV)
Suggestions toward Harmonizing HE in ASEAN Redesign IAI programme for HRD to reduce the gap Short-term Training Programme Long-term Trainging Programme (Scholarship from 6 AMS to CLMV) Create ASEAN Fund for Student Mobility Establish Capacity Development Project for CLMV Therefore, continued Support from SHARE is badly needed.
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