Name: Jalilah Al-Hammali ID:201002443 Instructor: Runna AlGhazo Analyzing and Evaluating an Advertisement Anti-Smoking Pills : NiQutin - Tiny Band Name: Jalilah Al-Hammali ID:201002443 Instructor: Runna AlGhazo
Outline: Background of the Advertisement. The advertisement. Persuasion tactics. Reasoning errors. Effectiveness. Summary.
Background of the Advertisement: It is about anti-smoking pills that help one to quit smoking. It lasts for 30 seconds. It describes how anti-smoking pills can easily help smokers to resist the desire of smoking. It aims at people who are addicted to cigarette smoking and they are trying to give it up.
The Advertisement:
Persuasion Tactics: It shows reality how our friends and coworkers encourage us for smoking. The facial expressions are very true when the man reluctantly says “no” to smoking offer struggling with his temptation to smoke. The idea of rejoicing the victory of being able to say “no” to smoking is displayed in a striking manner and admirable way. Some strong evidences should have been included to convince the audience with the efficiency of Nicotine pills.
Reasoning Errors : Anti-smoking pills do not cause one to have hallucination where he sees singing and dancing. These pills do not make one happy and content instantly after they are taken. People who are trying to quit smoking have to put up with some struggle. They don’t seem as happy as the man in the advertisement.
Effectiveness : The advertisement is very effective as it conveys a positive concept reflecting reality with stimulating tactics. It captivates viewers’ attention on the first glance as it underpins a problem which exists in every family nowadays. it successfully communicates the idea that anti-smoking pills are a great help for smokers. The text at the bottom right at the beginning of the advertisement was not in a format clear enough to read.
Summary: The advertisement successfully communicates its message to the viewers. The producer has selected suitable environment, scene and true event to grab viewers’ attention. The advertisement is a good example of how a strong positive effect can be produced if it is blended with little humor, entertainment and right music. A serious health related problem of our society has been addressed in this advertisement showing its medical solution to the audience.
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