Where does it stand against National and International Security? Human Security Where does it stand against National and International Security? Gauri S Nadig, I39024
What is Human Security? Security for the people from state, natural or societal violence or the fear of it. The Commission on Human Security defines it as, “to protect the vital core of all human lives in ways that enhance human freedoms and human fulfillment” First published in the UNDP Human Development Report (1994). Encompasses seven areas: economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political. Two major concepts : Freedom of Want and Freedom of Fear
Scope of Human Security Organized crime and violence Genocide and conflict ridden violence Trafficking Poverty and/or unemployment Hunger and/or famine Deadly diseases and poor healthcare Environmental degradation Natural and Man-made disaster Domestic, ethical, religious, physical violence and crime Child abuse and labor Terrorism Political repression
Human vs National Security “Human security complements state security” But can conflict with each other based on regime and state power Secure states does not necessarily mean secure people National security mainly focuses on military threats within a state. Military retribution from state leads to conflicting human security interests within the state National security heavily leans on firepower, whereas human security depends on people’s contribution and development
International Role in Human Security Rise of international organizations the promote human security Such as: War Crime Tribunals, International Criminal Court, UN Peacebuilding Commission. There are both international governmental and non-governmental organizations that contribute to the implementation of human security UNHCR, UNICEF, ICRC are examples of implementer and catalysts in human security Humanitarian intervention does more harm than good for human security Almost 200,000 civilians have died from US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan
In conclusion Human security’s main focus is on the individual For developing countries, state sovereignty and security trumps over human security Human security offers a wider safety net for the people from healthcare to economic guarantee Although it has been accepted more in an international stage, states find it hard to accommodate policies focusing on individuals