SDGs and the ILO’s Role: A1510031: Regional Course on Sustainable Development Goals: Trade Union Policies and Action Plans: 7th March, 2017 Praia, Cape Verde Inviolata Chinyangarara, ACTRAV Specialist, DWT, Pretoria
Presentation Outline: Who is the ILO (important in understanding SDGs and ILO’s Role) Why ILO’s role is key in SDGs discourse? SDGs and ILO’s Role: Policy Advice Standard Setting Organization Setting Indicators for DW in SDGs indicators Building Partnership for Goals: Capacity Building ROLE OF ILO CONSTITUENCIES: Governments, Business and Trade Unions Conclusions
Workers Organizations' Employers Organizations Who is the ILO? ILO: The Office (Secretariat) ILO: The Organization: (Member States and Social Partners) Workers Organizations' Employers Organizations Governments
Why ILO’s Role is Key in SDGs Discourse? Decent work is not just a goal- it is a driver of sustainable development ILO’s is mandate on social justice is crucial in advancing the entire 2030 Agenda SDGs connect to the role and mandate of the ILO ILO focus goals (G:8 and G5) ILO Focus targets ( G;1 poverty, 2 hunger, 4 education and LLL, G. 9 sustainable industrialization, G: 10 reduce inequality)
SDGs and ILO’s Role In all SDGs, at the level of GOALS, TARGETS and INDICATORS we find elements of decent work. ILO representation and involvement in initial discussions on 2030 Agenda ILO’s role in negotiation of the goals in collaboration with other UN agencies.
SDGs and ILO’s Role: Policy Advice To Governments to ensure Govts select SDGs priorities relevant to country’s socio- economic and political context ILO support with country situational analysis highlighting critical areas for decent work and SDGs.
SDGs and ILO’s Role: Policy Advice Assist countries to develop country strategies to mainstream SDGs in national development plans Assist countries in prioritizing relevant SDGs based on country situational analysis Provide guidance on integration of SDGs in DWCP and UNDAFS
SDGs and ILO’s Role: Standard Setting Organization Influencing SDGs discussions using international labour standards as base ILO international standards essential and relevant to achievement of SDGs Goal 8; Targets: “Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment” Goal 8: Targets: “Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour……”
SDGs and ILO’s Role: Standard Setting Organization Other ILO instruments echoed in SDGs, targets: ILO Recommendation 202: Goal 1: target: Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems ILO Recommendation 204: Goal 8: …..encourage the formalization and growth of micro-small and medium, sized enterprises……..” Migrants Gender equality
SDGs and ILO’s Role: Setting Indicators for DW in SDGs indicators Negotiation of some of the SDGs indicators by embedding into the international system the ILO indicators for decent work ILO Statistics Department instrumental role in development of indicator framework for SDGs Setting indicator for Freedom of Association and collective bargaining, gender indicators ILO negotiated decent work indicators across all goals not only G;8 and G:5 Support to national Statistics offices (NSO) with resources and capacity to develop national SDGS indicators relevant to DW
SDGs and ILO’s Role: Building Partnership for Goals: Building, enhancing relations with other UN agencies Developing strategic partners with agencies working towards poverty reduction and social justice Develop/expand inter-agency networks by theme Gender equality Migration Climate change Partnerships to implement SDGs
SDGs and ILO’s Role: Capacity Building Outreach and capacity building to constituencies Policy advise and technical support to constituencies Resource mobilization
ROLE OF ILO CONSTITUENCIES: Governments Awareness Raising But also making SDGs framework operational and actionable Connect SDGs to country context socio-economic and political realities Mainstreaming SDGs in Development Plans & National Budgets National Development Plans SDGs implementation integrated into national budgets Revitalize national regional and global partnerships for sustainable development Social Dialogue on SDGs Inclusive and consultative processes for tripartite (plus: major groups) engagement on SDGs Selection of national priorities, reporting on SDGs “Leaving no one Behind”
ROLE OF ILO CONSTITUENCIES: Business Business mobilized to focus on achievement of SDGs Development business case for 2030 Agenda Explore areas of mutual interest with organized labour
ROLE OF ILO CONSTITUENCIES: Trade Unions Awareness Raising Connecting SDGs to realities within the workplace How DSGs respond to needs of workers with disabilities, women, migrants, youth. Mainstreaming SGDs into trade union education Partnership/Alliances and Networks Like-minded organizations for advocacy (women and climate focused organizations) Employers on issues of mutual interest Engagement in national SDGs processes and DWCP Involvement in UN processes Advocacy and communication Develop key messages for advocacy and communication on SDGs Relevant languages, attractive formats, on websites, ensure accessibility to workers
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