Test Review: Neolithic revolution & River Valley Civilizations Test is Friday 9/15/17
#1 What were nomads? People who have no permanent home – they follow the food supply
#2 What was the Neolithic revolution? Change from food gathering to food producing
#3 What developed during the Neolithic revolution? Agriculture (farming)
Domestication of animals Communities & villages emerged #4 What were 6 changes or effects that the Neolithic revolution caused? Domestication of animals Systematic farming Better diet & Shelter Food surplus Rise in Population Communities & villages emerged
#5 How did the Neolithic revolution affect the nomadic lifestyle? Many Humans stop living as nomads &settle down in cities
#6 What are the 5 characteristics of civilization? Advanced cities Record keeping Advanced technology Specialized workers Complex institutions
#7 What are the two types of complex institutions? Government & religion
#8 What are some examples of record keeping? Court records, official government documents, poetry, letters, drawings…
#9 What makes a city advanced? It is a Center of trade
Anything that makes Life better or easier #10 What is technology? Anything that makes Life better or easier
#11 Where were the early centers of civilization? In the 4 River Valleys
#12 What are the advantages /disadvantages to living near a river ? Transportation/trade Fertile soil/ irrigation Water to drink Disadvantages: Unpredictable Flooding lose Homes/lives/crops
#13 What are the geographic characteristics of the early river valleys ? Fertile land farming – wheat, barley, cotton Flooded sometimes unpredictably Natural Barriers May protect from invasion
#14 What is subsistence agriculture? Growing just enough crops for your family
#15 What is the practice of trading goods/services for other goods/services called? Barter
#16 What is a primary source? a secondary source? Primary Source: created by a person present at the event Secondary source: Created by someone later who was not present at the event
#17 In which river valley did Mesopotamia begin? Tigris River & Euphrates river
#18 What do we call the area near these rivers? Why? Fertile crescent Fertile = good farming land crescent = shape
#19 Why did Hammurabi create a code of laws? To unite his large empire under written laws
#20 What was the writing of the Mesopotamians called? cuneiform
#21 What achievement of architecture in sumeria shows the importance of religion to them? ziggurat
#22 What were technology items or achievements that Mesopotamians created? Wheel Plow Tools Weapons Writing architecture
#24 Which river was the Indus river valley centered around?
#25 What kind of religion was practiced in the Indus valley? Polytheism = many gods
#26 What were some of the achievements of the indus? Planned cities - grids Citadels (Fort) Sewage & plumbing systems
#27 Around which rivers did early Chinese civilizations form? Yellow (Huang He) River Yangtze River
#28 what are some examples of Chinese record keeping? Court records Pictographs Oracle bones
#29 what was the Egyptian writing called? Hieroglyphics
#30 What are some of the achievements of the Egyptians? Pyramids sphinx Medicine/anatomy Accurate calendar
#31 Why would an accurate calendar be important in early civilization? To know the planting & harvesting seasons