Classical electrodynamics, spring 2007
suggested topics Goos-Hanchen effect, Imbert-Federov effect surface plasmon, plasmonics ultraslow light fast light and causality Rotating light EM wave in ionosphere multiferroics left-handed material various types of antenna wireless energy transfer EM wave scattering by a sphere polarization in the sky ...
Goos-Hanchen effect (forward jump) and Imbert-Federov effect (side jump) Imbert, Phys. Rev. D, 1972
Fresnel’s equations (E // plane of incidence, nonmagnetic) wi wt
Surface plasma (for E // plane of incidence only) SP dispersion SP cannot be excited by just shining a light Barnes, Dereux, and Ebbesen, Nature 2003
Enhanced transmission by concentric periodic grooves Light in a tiny hole Ozbay, Science 2006
Metal surface with periodic structure Plasmonics (light on a wire) Genet and Ebbesen, Nature 2007
Dielectric function and refraction coefficient anomalous dispersion often accompanied by strong absorption wave form is strongly distorted, which makes the concept of “group velocity” useless undistorted pulse is NOT impossible (S. Chu, 1982 PRL), but will be attenuated Figs from
Slow light AC Stark shift Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) micro ring resonator stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) … w/o pumping w/ pumping Xiao et al, PRL 1995
Coupled-resonator induced transparency (CRIT) different designs: Xu, et al, PRL 2006 Due to destructive interference between 2 absorbing pathways Spheres Disks others
Fast light fast/loss gain/slow Gain doublet Fast light (Wang et al, Nature 2000) fast/loss gain/slow Is it possible to get both fast and gain?
Greatly attenuated and “front-loaded” Pulse re-shaping Greatly attenuated and “front-loaded” the peak can exit the cell “before” the reference pulse’s arrival group velocity can > C but signal (front) velocity always < C Stenner et al, Nature 2003
Rotating light Colloidal particles trapped in an optical vortex (Grier, Nature 2003)
suggested topics Goos-Hanchen effect, Imbert-Federov effect surface plasmon, plasmonics ultraslow light fast light and causality Rotating light EM wave in ionosphere multiferroics left-handed material various types of antenna wireless energy transfer EM wave scattering by a sphere polarization in the sky ...
Grand unified diagram of electromagnetism 1 1 (electric) Gyrotropic material multiferroics No propagating wave ferromagnet 1 Plasma ferroelectric 1 (magnetic) Gyrotropic material Left-handed material No propagating wave
Left-handed material (Veselego, 1968) reverse Doppler shift backward Cherenkov radiation … etc
Linden and Hormann, Optical Express 2006
suggested topics Goos-Hanchen effect, Imbert-Federov effect surface plasmon, plasmonics ultraslow light fast light and causality Rotating light EM wave in ionosphere multiferroics left-handed material various types of antenna wireless energy transfer EM wave scattering by a sphere polarization in the sky ...
Radio & microwave regions (3 kHz – 300 GHz)
antennas Yagi-Uda (八木 -宇田) antenna dipole Corner reflector monopole
Wireless energy transfer Tesla’s tower at Waldenclyffe (1901) Product from Splashpower Short range Long range Soljacic, MIT (2006) Mid-range 1) Power from mains to antenna, which is made of copper 2) Antenna resonates at a frequency of 6.4MHz, emitting electromagnetic waves 3) 'Tails' of energy from antenna 'tunnel' up to 5m (16.4ft) 4) Electricity picked up by laptop's antenna, which must also be resonating at 6.4MHz. Energy used to re-charge device 5) Energy not transferred to laptop re-absorbed by source antenna. People/other objects not affected as not resonating at 6.4MHz From BBC news
Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering
Light scattering regimes Particle size/wavelength Refractive index Mie Scattering Rayleigh Scattering Totally reflecting objects Geometrical optics Rayleigh-Gans Scattering Large ~1 ~0 ~0 ~1 Large There are many regimes of particle scattering, depending on the particle size, the light wavelength, and the refractive index. Air Rainbow
Skylight is polarized if the sun is to your side. Right-angle scattering is polarized This polarizer transmits horizontal polarization (of which there is very little). Polarizer transmitting vertical polarization Multiple scattering yields some light of the other polarization. In clouds, much multiple scattering occurs, and light there is unpolarized.
Polarization in the sky Smith, Am. J. Phys. 2007 Tail-wagging dance of the bee (K.v. Frisch 1944) Haidinger’s brush (1844) wikipedia
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