Our celebrity is : Céline dion By: Alex-Ann and Noémy
Personal information She’s forty- eight ( 48 ) years old. She was born in March the thirty ( 30 ), nineteen sixty eight (1968 ) in Charlemagne , Quebec, Canada.
HEIGHT AND WEIGHT She is five foot seven inches tall ( 5 ft 7) and she weighs one hundred and seventeen pounds ( 117 pounds ).
Her family She was married to René-Angelil who died in January of this year. She has three children: René Charles is forteen( 14 ) years old and her two twins, Eddy and Nelson have five (5) years old.
TALENTS She’s a French Canadian singer. She has a lot of talent and a beautiful voice. She’s known worldwide. She’s popular and a millionnaire. She sold over two hundred and thirty million of records (230 million ) worldwide.
interest Céline has a collection of shoes. She has five hundred (500) pairs. She likes to play golf. She loves music. Her favorite singers are : Stevie Wonder, Michaël Jackson, Barbara Streisand and Ginette Reno.
What can she change? Céline’s small default are impatient, addicted to shopping and demanding.
Favorite place Céline travels a lot but her favorite place to stay is at home with her family.
Her charity Céline is not only a mother and a singer, she’s a very generous person. She often give money to charity cause. The cause that she likes the most is cystic fibrosis. She gave a lot of money for this cause.
Why she chose cystic fibrosis Céline started talking to people about cystic fibrosis early in her career when she was a teenager . Her niece, karine, had cystic fibrosis and she died at sixteen(16) years old in her arms. Since than, Céline, is the president of the foundation of cystic fibrosis. Often when Céline performs a show, she gives her money to help sick children.
We love Céline !!! Celine is an extraordinary person who is loved by everyone because of her great talent and her enormous generosity.
Thank you for listening
Bye bye !