Solutions Mining
for the Mining Industry …Higher yield and cost savings… Processing Solutions for the Mining Industry …Higher yield and cost savings…
MKS – Surface Modifying Agent The Mining process: Milling Drilling MKS Added MKS – Surface Modifying Agent MKS Surface Modifier is added during the milling stage at a maximum of 0.1% aqueous solution. Water used during the milling process is recycled back to the mill and thus minimizes the amount of additional MKS needed to maintain the concentration Chemical Separation Blasting MKS-assists Waste separation Waste Storage Extracting Refine Crushing MKS allows a higher mineral Value extraction
MKS – Surface Modifying Agent BENEFITS DURING MILLING Added as a <0.1% solution to the ore during the milling stage BENEFITS DURING MILLING Milling of rock fragments causes preferential breakage along mineral boundaries The mineral liberation during milling is much more complete MKS has lubricating properties that causes rock fragments to become “slippery” The milled ore fraction does not need to break particles down to the ultrafine phase Milling time may thus reduced between 30% to 500% Mill throughput may thus by increased dramatically The output of particles that are highly mineralogically liberated will separate better during the processing stage
MKS – Surface Modifying Agent ECONOMIC BENEFITS DURING MILLING A decrease in milling time of between 30% - 500% Cost, Energy savings Should the amount of product be unlimited in selling potential, increased throughput will result in ramp-up without the capital cost of commissioning a secondary/tertiary mill Ramp up without CAPEX Should the amount of product be limited in selling potential, energy savings may be achieved by either driving the mill for only the amount of time necessary to achieve target, or in the case where more than one mill is operational, the secondary mill may be switched off or rotated in shifts Cost, Energy savings
MKS – Surface Modifying Agent BENEFITS DURING PROCESSING MKS eliminates adsorption layers and unwanted coatings on particle surfaces thereby partially neutralizing the surface charge of the particles The particles, irrespective of size, may then react more appropriately with processing reagents Ultra-fine waste particles in suspension will thus separate from the concentrate layer (i.e. not float), and as such will not contaminate the concentrate Ultra-fine ore particles will also be recovered and not be lost to tailings Highly liberated mineral particles will result in much better separation of ore from tailings MKS decreases the suspension viscosity, and eliminates the formation of agglomerates, resulting in a suspension that responds much better to chemical separation The above results in a concentrate that is higher in valuable metal/mineral concentration, an much lower in unwanted impurities MKS is inert, and will not adversely effect the chemicals currently being used in the processing circuit
MKS – Surface Modifying Agent ECONOMIC BENEFITS DURING PROCESSING Increased mineral liberation, no agglomerate formation yields higher recovery Less ore lost to tailings and thus higher recovery % of ore No ultrafine waste material in the concentrate & better separation of unwanted minerals Higher final concentrate % and less unwanted impurities in concentrate = Higher concentrate selling price Better separation of unwanted or deleterious minerals from concentrate Potential for eliminating minerals that result in smelter penalties
MKS – Surface Modifying Agent POST-PROCESSING BENEFITS MKS significantly reduces the viscosity of slurries, as the mineral/rock particle surfaces do not adhere to each other, and thus becomes slippery. This enables the pumping of slurries to tailings facilities instead of using conventional belt or screw-driven conveyors MKS Surface Modifier is non-toxic and eco friendly, even upon ingestion. No special handling protocol or environmental detriment needs to be considered
MKS – Surface Modifying Agent POST-PROCESSING ECONOMIC BENEFITS Spending less on the installation and maintenance of slurry belt or screw conveyors Savings on infrastructure & maintenance costs No detrimental environmental effects and less water usage Eco Credits
Summary MKS is a dry, non-reactive, organic, safe compound that is dissolved in water at concentration of at most 0.1% The compound in its powder and dissolved form is completely inert and safe, even in the eventuality of ingestion MKS has no deleterious effects on the environment or groundwater The best point of MKS insertion is during the milling stage where its beneficial actions begin The compound effectively equalizes all of the rock-fragments surface charges, thereby liberating any adsorbed clay minerals etc. and lending a clean surface for the milling process to act on MKS, having lent a clean surface to the rock fragments, causes the milling process to preferentially break the fragments along the weakest plane, i.e. the mineral boundaries Mineral liberation thus starts during the milling phase The “slippery” surfaces of the minerals/rock-fragments decreases milling time by between 30% to 500% MKS is an inert compound and unlikely to react chemically to other reagents used during processing MKS causes close to complete separation of ore from waste during the processing stage by allowing even the finest particles to react appropriately to the separation process and chemicals employed. Grant us the opportunity to demonstrate and prove the effectiveness and value the MKS will add to your bottom line