100 200 300 400 500 More Storms Weather Tools Weather Science Storms Winds
100 pts. A severe storm that forms as a rapidly rotating funnel cloud is called a ___________
200 pts. Most tornadoes occur in/on the U.S.
300 pts. Unstable atmospheric conditions lead to the formation of lightning and thunder from towering ________ clouds.
400 points Tornadoes are classified using the ______scale.
500 pts. Hurricane damage is usually caused by the high _______ and ________.
100 pts. Weather systems usually move across the United States from ____to_____.
200 pts. The center of a hurricane is called the ______.
300 pts. What is the name for a tornado that forms in the desert?
400 pts. What type of tornado can throw fish into the air?
500 pts. _________ is the fundamental cause of global winds that curve due to the _________ effect.
100 pts. Tornadoes have very ______ pressure.
200 pts. The strongest tornado is a _________ on the Fujita Scale.
300 pts. What clouds are common during a blizzard?
400 pts. Hurricanes are classified using the _______ scale.
500 pts. Lightning cannot strike the same place twice.
100 pts. A psychrometer measures _____.
200 pts. An anemometer measures_____.
300 pts. A barograph constantly records the readings of a _________.
400 pts. When the dewpoint and _______ are the same there is 100% saturation.
500 pts. The barometric pressure the day before a storm will be ________ than the day of the actual storm.
100 pts. Cold air is lighter than warm air.
200 pts. If it is sunny outside we are experiencing a ____pressure system.
300 pts. Most tornado deaths are caused by flooding.
400 pts. Hurricanes never hit the North Carolina Coast.
500 pts. What is the relative humidity when the dry bulb and the wet bulb are the same?
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Final Jeopardy Topic Multiple Names
What are the other two names for a hurricane?
What are the other two names for a hurricane?