Vocabulary lesson four Grade 10
Despondent Adjective After being abandoned, the despondent cat wandered the streets.
Protocol Noun The pilot adhered to the proper protocol for an engine failure and was able to safely land the jet.
Candid Adjective The candidate gave a candid speech about the time he had spent in prison.
Jingoism Noun Donald Trump’s jingoism on immigration will cost him many voters if he is nominated the Republican Party candidate. http://www.businessinsider.com/poll-donald-trump-iowa-2015-8
Redress Verb The teacher redressed his earlier statement about Genghis Khan after he realized his error.
Argot Noun Don’t agree to “a trip to the East River” proposed by anyone speaking Mafia argot.
Appease Verb The small snack before dinner did nothing to appease Shane’s appetite.
Strident Adjective Lisa’s strident voice gave us all headaches.
Chaos Noun The new teacher was expected to end the chaos and restore order in the classroom.
Expunge Verb If Moni can stay out of trouble for one year, her criminal record will be expunged.
Bigot Noun http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-kkk-chicago-flashback-0125-20150123-story.html
Augment Verb I had to take a second job to augment my income after buying the new SUV.
Toilsome Adjective Of all the household chores, the toilsome task of pulling weeds out of the flower garden was Eleanor’s least favorite.
Negligence Noun Sara’s negligence allowed her toddler to fall from the hotel balcony.
Privation Noun Because Luke has experienced privation as a child, he appreciated many things in life that most people took for granted. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ETY3EWR5L.jpg