A brief financial overview 2016 St Bartholomew’s A brief financial overview 2016
The cost of running this church The projected costs to run this church in 2016 is £1008.83 per week. That is £4371.60 per month or £52459.16 per year. This excludes the work of Cap which is grant aided. The church is self financing and our income is primarily from the Sunday morning collection. Please remember that even on the weeks that you cannot attend, the church is still open for worship. The church needs to be available for those milestones in our lives; Baptisms, Weddings and last but not least Funerals.
Where does the money go? Cleaning and maintenance £37.14 Depreciation £25.60 Fund raising £42.73 Training and conferences £34.64 Clergy expenses £66.22 communion/service costs £48.73 Gifts/mission £75.55 Parish Share £647.48 Family worker/parish sec £30.74 Weekly total £1008.83
What about our income? Planned Giving £505.39 loose cash £146.02 Tax refund (gift aid) £129.63 donations £37.71 fees received £13.85 Fund raising £102.42 Use of building receipts £128.57 Grants £35.60 weekly Total £1099.19
Giving Breakdown We have 47 people in our church who give on a weekly basis, either by standing order or free will envelopes. A break down is as follows; Under £5.00 10 £5.00 16 £10 10 £15 4 £20 2 £30 1 £50 3 OVER £50 1
What do we need to do? The fact is everything we have is a gift from God and part of our worship is our giving. So we should think and pray long and hard about our individual giving levels. We should remember that the Church still operates even when we are not attending. We should ensure that we commit to give a regular amount so that as a church we can plan for the future. Give regularly by setting up a standing order or join the envelope giving scheme. Ensure we gift aid where ever possible
How much should I give? That’s between you and God but please remember God loves a cheerful giver. I looked at some prices of what you could say are luxury items; 20 Cigarettes £7.50 1 pint of beer £3.50 bottle of reasonable wine £7.00 season ticket at Rovers £250.00 Surely our giving to God is worth far more than any of these! A hand out on biblical principles is in the foyer
Thank you for listening Our church has a huge potential and along side our school is at the centre of our community. Our Cap centre is well respected. Our street pastors, food bank workers and school workers, are a great credit to us and are needed in our area but it comes at a cost. We know that some of us may be giving to their limit, but others maybe could afford more. If we are to achieve our full potential as a church it comes at a cost and we need to contribute to the best of our ability.
What now? Please pray about the future ministry of our church, our ability to afford it and especially your personal contribution towards it. Standing order forms and this years new free will giving envelopes are available in the foyer. Please make a commitment to weekly/monthly giving and fill one in before you leave today. Remember Gift Aid. And finally to all our regular givers, we are truly grateful for your contributions and support. Without it this church would not be able to operate. But we ask that you, in light of what has been said, please take this opportunity to review your giving. Thank you