Welcome! 2016-2017 School Year Arcola Intermediate School Shannon Rockafellow 7th Grade Reading – White Team 5/30/2018
A little about me… 5/30/2018
Who’s Who Amy Mangano–Principal Ryan Creeden–Assistant Principal Stephanie Berardelli– Guidance Counselor White Team: Valerie Loughnane – Science Lauren Bolger – English Brooke Sheplock – Math Sean Torrens – History Shannon Rockafellow- Reading John Hautzinger- Health/P.E. Katie McGlynn- Learning Support Samantha Rodriguez – Learning Support 5/30/2018
Reading Class Supplies: 1 notebook A section in the binder or folder dedicated to reading (anything reading related should go in here) Post-it notes Pencils, pens, highlighters Student ID (to take books out from library) Gmail account (access to Google Drive and classroom for assignments) 5/30/2018
Classroom Policies Students are expected to come to class prepared with a pencil, pen, IRP book, and post-its. All written work is expected to be done using complete sentences and pencil Name and period number on all assignments Students self-advocating by checking the website or emailing with questions when confused or unsure about an assignment 5/30/2018
Homework Homework will generally be: Read/post-it - some of the time I ask the students to focus on a particular skill covered in class that day for their post-it noting Vocabulary – I break down the vocabulary unit so that the students are getting a little bit of practice, through interacting with the words, each night Occasionally, students will have additional homework related to reading (ex: online post-it noting, reading projects, essays, etc.)
Late/Missed Work Late work is counted as a zero. If a student was present in school the day the assignment was given, it is expected to be turned in, on time, for credit. While this is my policy, it is also one that is shared between all classrooms on the White Team. If a student is absent, they have two days to make up any work that was missed for each day they were absent as per Arcola’s policy.
Late/Missed Work If a student misses school for a vacation: All assigned work is expected to be completed and turned in upon the students return to school. Any missed assessments can be made up/scheduled with teachers, as needed. If you foresee yourself taking a vacation this school year, please encourage your students to take advantage of any down time to read! 5/30/2018
Late/Missed Work When a student is absent from school, they have a few different ways to find out what they missed: Teacher and team website: http://www.methacton.org/Page/10648 Phone a friend Make-Up Work folder in the classroom Emails are always welcome for clarification or questions about missed work! 5/30/2018
IRP Requirements Each student's independent reading goal is individualized based on the STAR tests that all students take three times a year. Every student is expected to read 1,000 pages for general reading and 1,500 pages for honors reading per marking period. Each marking period page goals will be broken down into 4 benchmarks and due dates will be provided. Students will be expected to read at least 1 non- fiction book per marking period. 5/30/2018
IRP Requirements Students should take the AR quiz for their book as soon as possible after completing the book. Books are self selected but should be an AR book – exceptions will be granted on a case by case basis. IRP is worth 30% of each students overall grade each marking period. 5/30/2018
IRP Requirements Students are expected to be post-it noting as they read (eventually) At the end of the quarter, students will turn in about 10 post-its and they will be graded on a rubric based on their content, organization, application of skill, and neatness (this will be handed out to the students) 5/30/2018
Scope and Sequence Unit 1 – Developing an Independent Reading Life and Close Reading of Short Texts Unit 2 – Character Analysis and Science Fiction Unit 3 - Classical Literature Unit 4 – Interpretation and Writing Well about Reading Unit 5 – Analysis of Non-Fiction and Book Partnerships Unit 6 – Test Prep Unit 7 – Book Clubs Unit 8 – Greek Mythology
THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG TIME SPENT READING, READING ACHIEVEMENT, AND VOCABULARY ACQUISITION OF FIFTH GRADERS Percentile Rank on Standardized Reading Test Minutes of Independent Reading Outside of School Per Day Estimated Exposure to the Number of Words Per Year 98 90.7 4,733,000 90 40.4 2,357,000 70 21.7 1,168,000 50 12.9 601,000 20 3.1 134,000 10 1.6 51,000 Source: Anderson, R., Wilson, P., and Fielding, L. (1988). "Growth in Reading and How Children Spend Their Time Outside of School." Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. 23: pg. 285-303. 5/30/2018
Extra Help I am always willing to help students with classwork. 8th period is a great time to get clarification or extra help. Please encourage your students to utilize this time to meet with their teachers when, and if, needed! This is a great time to take AR quizzes! Homework help is also available after school Monday-Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm (coming soon!) There is also a club offered called “Catch Up Club” for students who are struggling with their work completion and will be available when clubs begin.
Helpful Links! Team Website: My Website: Vocabulary Links: http://www.methacton.org/domain/251 My Website: http://www.methacton.org/Domain/1117 Vocabulary Links: www.quizlet.com https://www.sadlierconnect.com/vw/vocabularywor kshop.com Renaissance Place: https://hosted184.renlearn.com/309975/ 5/30/2018
Questions/Concerns If you have any questions or concerns I can be reached via email at: srockafellow@methacton.org I can also be reached by phone at 610-489-5000 X32292 5/30/2018