Business Development Director add value to your ads! Vision Theodoros Edipidis Business Development Director
Traditional display ads disappoint
A global market of $200B looking for an equilibrium
Facts Tell … but Stories Sell
Our solutions fit into the story itself Our platform selects content related articles and places the creative (which we create) on the image or at the bottom of the image. The brand is not chasing the user, the brand meets the user at his website of choice. The user cares to see the ad, this is why he engages more with the brand.
Our solutions fit into the story itself
People love watching our ads ImageVideo [ campaign target: 28,550 views ] Total Impressions: 134,187 Total Views: 35,442 View Rate: 26.41% ImageBanner [ campaign target: 350,000 impressions ] Total Impressions: 350,000 Total Clicks: 20,939 CTR: 5.9% Mobile [ campaign target: 134,000 clicks ] Total Impressions: 559,746 Total Clicks: 152,278 CTR: 27.2% The average clickthrough rate (CTR) of display ads across all formats and placements is 0.06% (source: Display Benchmarks Tool)
Competitive landscape Contextual Relevance KPI’s Performance User experience HIGH Traditional banners LOW Direct TEADS, GUM-GUM, KIOSKED MODERATE Indirect FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, YAHOO,
Earning revenue since 2013 35 campaigns 63 campaigns 166 campaigns - 2013 - 63 campaigns + 80% - 2014 - 166 campaigns + 163% - 2015 -
Premium vendors are our clients
Our solutions have passed the “trust” test
Progress & development during MITEF Developed a better understanding of our own company 1 2 Became realistic optimists 3 Mentoring process – strategic advice - improvement of internal procedures 4 New contacts and networking – MIT Bootcamp 5 Developed a concrete growth strategy as a result of being “questioned and challenged” from mentors but also other start-up teams 6 Gained exposure in Greece and abroad – increased awareness
A clear roadmap ahead € 8.0m € 4.1m € 1.0m Funding € 1.5m geographical expansion heavy marketing costs Greece as a European hub Brazil as a LatAm hub USA market intro potential exit Funding € 1.5m platform version #2 Self serve platform Remarketing & retargeting Real time bidding Audience & Clustering Continuous product innovation Funding € 1.0m Funding: € 0.5m - platform version # 1 - filed for US patent - 10 registered designs in the EU Projected Billings € 8.0m € 4.1m € 1.0m Billings 2015: € 0.8m TO DATE 2016E 2017E 2018E
Business Development Director A team with a diverse skill-set 20+ years of International business experience Private equity and investment banking experience Deep market knowledge – advisors Proven ability to pivot quickly when needed MITEF mentors & strategic decisions Theodoros Edipidis Business Development Director Kleanthis Nikolaidis General Manager able to grow the business THANK YOU Thank you for your attention! Email : Email me: THANK YOU Thank you for your attention!