GENE GENE INTERACTION DOMINANCE:-When one member of allellic pair marks the expression of the other member then it is known as dominance. EPISTASIS:-When there is suppression of action of a gene then it is known as epistasis. HYPOSTASIS:-These are those genes whose action is suppressed.
TYPES OF EPISTASIS Recessive epistasis Dominant epistasis Dominant-Recessive epistasis
RECESSIVE EPISTASIS COMPLEMENTARY GENE INTERACTION:- Either gene when homozygous recessive is epistatic to the other .Such genes are called complementary genes.
SUPPLEMENTARY EPISTASIS:-Coat colour in mice is example of recessive epistasis .In mice black,albino and agouti patterns of coat colour are seen.
DOMINANT EPISTASIS It is also known as duplicate gene . When two gene pairs seem to be identical in function ,either dominant gene or both dominant gene together give the same effect. Such genes are called duplicate genes and the type of epistasis is called dominant epistasis.
DOMINANT- RECESSIVE EPISTASIS It is defined as when one gene is dominant is epistatic to the other gene when homozygous is epistatic to the first one.
POLYMERIC EFFECT Either dominant gene show the same effect but interaction between them shows a new phenotypic
PLEIOTROPY When one gene effect one character but there are many cases where one gene influences more than one character and such genes are known as pleiotropic genes.