Ushare -- free online teaching and learning resources Wuhan University of Technology 2016. August
new window / links to free teaching and learning resources -- How to find ?
Portal 1:
Portal 2:
Ushare a unique new platform that allows users to share links to learning and teaching materials online. a free online repository of recommended resources that support SQAs qualifications. The system relies on user generated content, that is, learners and practitioners submitting hyper links to websites, documents, videos and relevant material that relate to our portfolio.
Ushare Links to open learning and teaching resources recommended by lecturers, teachers, training providers and learners that support SQA's qualifications. You can submit new resources, rate them and leave comments to help other users. And the highest rated links could appear first. Click ‘Ushare user guide’ on the homepage showing how to register.
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Ushare : What resources can be used ?
Ushare : What resources can be used ? Example 1: Choose ESOL
Ushare : What resources can be used ? Example 2: Choose business
Office for national statistics:
How to use the resource in your teaching?
How to use the resource in your teaching? For learners, systematic materials, news, latest journals, etc. could be easily accessible. For teachers, Ushare could enrich the teaching potfolio. We could refer students to the materials and use the website to update materials creating exercises. For providers, more inspirational communication could be created. …
Class exercise: A case study found through the available resources about the marketing plan.
Case Study – Counselling on the Internet: a new innovation http://www
Aggregation of business financial ratios
What made you choose that resource?
Benefits: help learners understand the subject content of an SQA Unit or qualification and assist them with their studies. Help teaching staff to create/re-package resources therefore saving time. With the supportive communication by peers, it is a reliable indicator of the relevance of the materials. Help further growth and development of the program peers and program.
Please join the UShare community at www. ushare. education http://cn