Security Training and Certification A look at why security should become a part of your DNA
A little about me Jedi Hammond Certification Strategy Lead Dell EMC Proven Professional Program Over 20 years in IT Some Career Roles Include: IT management, IT administration, product development, technical and professional skills training, and certification program management.
Disrupters Sources: The Human Side of IT Security | Dell Inc.
Changing Security Landscape Cloud / Mobile Cloud applications up 43% since 2015 trillion IoT IHS forecasts 75.4 billion IoT devices by 2025 billion Ransomware million Ransomware grew by 167x year‐over‐year (638 million in 2016) IHS forecasts that the IoT market will grow from an installed base of 15.4 billion devices in 2015 to 30.7 billion devices in 2020 and 75.4 billion in 2025. IoT platforms: enabling the Internet of Things, March 2016 2017 SonicWall Annual Threat Report Cloud applications up 43% since 2015 Ransomware use grew by 167x year‐over‐year (638 million in 2016) Internet of Things devices were compromised on a massive scale due to poorly designed security features, opening the door for distributed denial‐of‐service attacks. DDoS attacks in general are estimated to cost businesses an average of $22,000 per minute Build a “human firewall” by teaching your employees, especially those dealing with payments, how to deal with potential threats, such as malicious emails and suspicious pop‐ups. Tell your users never to accept a self‐signed, non‐valid certificate. Isolate the corporate network environment into LAN, WLAN and VLAN zones and implement multifactor authentication for cross‐visiting. Isolate critical systems, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and POS systems as well. Sources: 2017 SonicWall Annual Threat Report IoT platforms: enabling the Internet of Things, March 2016
Where are the Transformation Opportunities? “Among the most common causes of data loss and security breaches are the vulnerabilities of an organization’s employees.” - Doug Steelman, Chief Information Security Officer, Dell SecureWorks Cognizant Collaboration Culture Landscape Disrupters Knowledge Communication Process Responsibility As new product training is created a key portion of that is how you secure. Risks are new, and the attack surface is greater. We live in a world of mobile workers, Cloud applications and IoT the traditional mindset doesn’t work by itself anymore. It not just a matter of doing “security training” or having a security person but embed in everything. Security isn’t just for the security Guy Security can impact functionality if people have lack of knowledge on use, or implementation hamper productivity and employees looks for ways around it causing a bigger issue. Images from:
Education is the solution Vulnerabilities Data Endpoint Infrastructure Solution Security focused education Embed security as part of the “norm” in all training. Validate experience though certification. Forward-thinking organizations invest in more than just technology to shore up their IT defenses. They work to educate, train, and cultivate a ‘culture of security’ among employees. - The Human Side of IT Security | Dell Inc., End-user education - Security Focused education Embed security as part of the “norm” in technology training. Implementation Administration Operations Validate experience and knowledge though certification.
Final Take away One of the greatest vulnerabilities in today’s security are people with a knowledge gap. The solution is fully educated people.