Credit Default Swap Pricing A Market Approach Moorad Choudhry
Topics Covered The original approach – using Asset Swaps to price CDS Link between CDS and asset swaps The basis Credit risk and credit spreads Term structure of credit spreads Obtaining default probabilities from credit spreads Pricing a Credit Default Swap Default and survival probabilities Using default probabilities to obtain CDS premiums Bootstrapping default probabilities from CDS premiums Marking CDS to market
Using Asset Swaps Conventional IRS quote a fixed rate (the swap rate) in exchange for LIBOR flat The difference between the swap rate and government bond yields is called the swap spread Corporate bonds trade at a higher yield than government bonds – this difference is called the credit spread Asset swaps are special IRS where: The fixed rate is raised to match the higher coupon paid by a corporate bond An up-front payment may optionally be included if the corporate bond is trading away from par The floating rate is raised to ensure that the resulting swap has an initial NPV of zero The LIBOR margin is then the asset swap spread Corporate bond yield Asset swap spread Swap yield Credit spread Swap spread Government bond yield
Link Between Asset Swaps and CDS Consider an investor who: Raises funds at LIBOR flat Buys a corporate bond at price DP and coupon C Enters into an asset swap to convert initial cash flow to 100 and yield of LIBOR + x bps Buys a CDS on the same bond, with identical maturity, costing y bps p.a. Net income is therefore x – y bps p.a. In the event of default: Investor exchanges bond for payment of par Uses this cash to repay borrowing Investor therefore earns x – y bps p.a. with no credit risk To avoid riskless arbitrage profits, x = y Therefore, in theory at least: CDS Premium = Asset Swap Spread
Example of CDS Pricing using Asset Swaps Data: Reference entity: XYZ plc Rating: Baa2 Term: 7 years Coupon: 6.75% IRS rate: 5.875% Asset Swap rate: LIBOR + 93 bp Risk-free rate: LIBOR – 18.5 bp CDS rate: 93 less –18.5 = 111.5 bp Asset Swap 6.75% LIBOR + 93bp Default pmt Reference Bond Protection Seller CDS Counterparty 6.75% 111.5bp To hedge a CDS, an investor could: Sell the CDS Sell the reference bond Buy a risk-free bond Enter into an asset swap LIBOR – 18.5bp Risk-free Bond
Practical Example of Asset Swap and CDS Rates Air Products & Chemicals 6.5% Jul 2006 Asset Swap: 41.6 bp CDS: 111.0 bp The difference is the basis…
CDS spread – Asset Swap spread The CDS Basis The difference between CDS and Asset Swap rates is called the basis Basis is defined as: CDS spread – Asset Swap spread Example quotations (May 2003): Reference credit Credit rating CDS spread Asset swap spread Basis Financials Ford Motor Credit A2 / A 59.3 51.1 +8.2 Household Finance 72.2 57.2 +15.0 JPMorgan Chase Aa3 / AA- 89.0 66.9 +22.1 Merrill Lynch 108.1 60.4 +47.7 Industrials AT & T Corp Baa2 / BBB+ 224.0 217.6 +6.4 FedEx Corp 499.0 481.2 +17.8 General Motors A3 / BBB 205.1 237.7 -32.6 IBM (6-yr callable bond) A1 / A+ 27.2 8.2 +19.0 IBM (4-yr callable bond) 33.3 11.0 +22.3
More Examples of CDS and Asset Swap Prices Data: November 2002
Why Asset Swap Rates Differ from CDS Prices - I Technical Factors Delivery option: Asset swaps are for a specific bond CDS allows delivery of any deliverable obligation of the reference entity (basis more) Funding costs Repo rates influence asset swap prices – higher repo rates imply higher asset swap prices If repo rates are higher, basis will be lower If repo rates are lower, basis will be higher CDS spreads are always positive … but some highly-rated bonds (e.g. US agencies) trade at sub-LIBOR in the asset swap market Default events CDS can be triggered by technical default events that do not affect cash bonds so much Additional risk is reflected in higher CDS premiums (basis more)
Why Asset Swap Rates Differ from CDS Prices - II Technical Factors (cont) Counterparty default risk Protection buyer is exposed to default of CDS counterparty (basis less) Accrued interest Some CDS contracts also require delivery of accrued coupon (basis more) Assets trading away from par CDS usually require delivery of defaulted asset against par For bonds trading at a discount – protection seller loses more when default occurs (basis more) For bonds trading at a premium – protection seller loses less when default occurs (basis less)
Why Asset Swap Rates Differ from CDS Prices - III Market Factors Supply and Demand Demand from protection buyers (e.g. banks, investors) will drive basis higher Demand from protection sellers (e.g. insurers) will drive basis lower Asset swap rates are affected by repo market rates … especially if the bond is under Special Collateral Liquidity CDS liquidity can differ from bond liquidity… Long maturities or high-yield cash bonds are often less liquid than CDS (basis less) Difficulty in shorting the cash asset Loans are typically illiquid… Investors or speculators wishing to short an illiquid asset can buy protection instead This drives CDS premiums higher and asset swap prices lower (basis more) Link with CDOs Synthetic CDOs typically sell single-name or portfolio CDS Hedging drives CDS premiums down (basis lower)
Basis for Different Ratings Basis tends to increase for higher ratings Sub-LIBOR funding lowers asset swap prices (basis more) Basis also tends to increase for low ratings Cheapest-to-deliver creates more risk for protection sellers (basis more) This leads to a basis “smile” Data: November 2002
An intuitive market approach to CDS Pricing We adopt the no-arbitrage approach to CDS pricing in the same way as we would to price interest-rate swaps This states that at inception, the price of the IRS is: PV Fixed leg = PV Floating leg Therefore for a CDS we set PV Premium leg = PV Contingent leg The PV of the premium leg is straightforward, especially if there is no credit event during life of CDS. Of course the Contingent leg is just that – contingent on credit event. Hence we need to determine the value of the premium leg at time of the credit event. This requires us to use default probabilities. We can use historical default rates to determine default probabilities, or back them out – implied probabilities – using CDFS spread rates.
Default probabilities To price a CDS, we need the answers to two basic questions: What is the probability of a credit event? If a credit event occurs, how much is the protection seller likely to pay? This revolves around an assumed recovery rate. We may also need to know: If a credit event occurs, when does this happen? Let us consider first the probability of default. One way to obtain default probabilities is to observe credit spreads in the corporate bond market…
Credit Risk and Credit Spreads Riskless investments establish a benchmark riskless interest rate Lenders and investors expect to receive a higher return from risky investments The difference between the risky and riskless rates is the Credit Spread This will vary with: Credit quality (e.g. credit rating) Maturity The charts overleaf provides an example of credit spreads…
Example of Credit Spreads – Investment Grades
Example of Credit Spreads – All Grades
Term Structure of Credit Spreads The examples clearly show that credit spreads depend on maturity The term structure of credit spreads usually has these features: Lower-quality credits trade at a wider spread than higher-quality credits Longer-dated obligations normally have higher spreads than shorter-dated ones 2yr AA: 20bp 5yr AA: 30bp 10yr AA: 37bp … but there can be exceptions: 2yr CCC: 11% 5yr CCC: 7.75% 10yr CCC: 7% In the case of the CCC rating: Higher default risk right now gives rise to high spread If company survives first few years, risk of later default is much lower, giving rise to lower spreads
Default Probability and Corporate Bond Spreads Suppose that the corporate bonds of a particular issuer trade at the following yields*: Maturity t Risk-free rate z Corporate bond yield z+r Corporate spread r 1 4.00% 4.25% 0.25% 2 4.50% 0.50% 3 4.70% 0.70% 4 4.85% 0.85% 5 4.95% 0.95% The rate of return on a risk-free asset is then: … while the rate of return on the risky asset is: * Yields quoted at as continuously compounded rates
Calculating Default Probabilities – Zero Recovery Let’s assume that there is no recovery value following default. If the probability of default is p, then an investor should be indifferent between an expected return of: on the risky corporate bond, and: Setting these two expressions equal, and solving for p gives:
Calculating Default Probabilities – Examples Using this formula… We can therefore calculate the following probabilities of default from credit spreads: Maturity t Risk-free rate z Corporate bond yield z+r Corporate spread r Cumulative probability of default Annual probability of default 1 4.00% 4.25% 0.25% 0.24969% 2 4.50% 0.50% 0.99502% 0.74533% 3 4.70% 0.70% 2.07810% 1.08309% 4 4.85% 0.85% 3.34285% 1.26475% 5 4.95% 0.95% 4.63895% 1.29610% e.g. (cumulative probability of default over five-year period) (probability of default over in year five)
Calculating Default Probabilities – Recovery Rate R Now let’s assume that the recovery rate following default is R. If the probability of default is p, then an investor should now be indifferent between an expected return of: on the risky corporate bond, and: Again, setting these two expressions equal, and solving for p gives:
Calculating Default Probabilities – With Recovery Using this formula… … and assuming a recovery rate of 40%, we can calculate the following default probabilities: Maturity t Risk-free rate z Corporate bond yield z+r Corporate spread r Cumulative probability of default Annual probability of default 1 4.00% 4.25% 0.25% 0.41615% 2 4.50% 0.50% 1.65836% 1.24221% 3 4.70% 0.70% 3.46351% 1.80514% 4 4.85% 0.85% 5.57142% 2.10791% 5 4.95% 0.95% 7.73159% 2.16017% e.g. (cumulative probability of default over five-year period)
Default and Survival Probabilities Consider what happens to a risky asset over a specific period of time There are just two possibilities: There is a credit event, and the asset defaults There is no credit event, and the asset survives Let’s call these outcomes: D (for default) having probability q S (for survival) having probability (1-q) We can represent this as a binary process: (1-q) S S q D
PSN = (1-q1) × (1-q2) × (1-q3) × (1-q4) × … × (1-qN) Multiple Periods Consider this binary process over multiple periods: (1-q1) (1-q2) (1-q3) (1-q4) (1-qN) S q1 q2 q3 q4 qN D D D D D The probability of survival to period N is then: PSN = (1-q1) × (1-q2) × (1-q3) × (1-q4) × … × (1-qN) while the probability of default in any period N is: PSN-1 × qN = PSN-1 – PSN Given these formulas, we can now go on to price a CDS…
Pricing a Credit Default Swap Given a set of default probabilities, we can calculate the fair premium for a CDS To do this, consider a CDS as a series of contingent cash flows… … the cash flows depending upon whether a credit event occurs: No Default s s s s s Default s s s ks where: s is the CDS premium k is the day count fraction when default occurred R is the recovery rate (1-R)
Valuing the Premium Stream – No Default The expected PV of the stream of CDS premiums over time can be calculated as: where: PVSND is the expected present value of the stream of CDS premiums if there is no default s is the CDS spread vj is the discount factor for period j PSj is the probability of survival through period j Tj-1,j is the length of time of period j (expressed as a fraction of a year)
Valuing the Premium Stream – If Default ks (1-R) If a default occurs half-way through period C, and the CDS makes the default payment at the end of that period, the expected PV of the fees received are: and the value of the default payment is: where: PVSD is the expected PV of the stream of CDS premiums if there is default in period C PDj is the probability of default in period j R is the recovery rate … and other terms are as before
Determining the CDS Premium If a CDS is fairly priced, then the expected value of the premium stream must equal the expected value of the default payment. As default can occur in any period j, we can therefore write: Expected PV of stream of premium payments if no default occurs Expected PV of accrued premium payment in period when default occurs Expected PV of default payment in period when default occurs Rearranging this expression gives the fair premium s for the CDS:
Determining the CDS Premium – Example To illustrate the pricing of a CDS, let’s use the table of forward rates and survival probabilities in columns 2 and 4 to derive the set of CDS premiums shown in the last column: ------ Probability-weighted PVs ------ Period Forward rates Discount factors vj Survival prob-ability PSj Default prob-ability PDj Receipt of 1 p.a. if no default Receipt of 1 p.a. if default Default payment if default CDS Spread s 0.5 2.33% 0.9885 0.9305 0.0695 0.4599 0.0172 0.0481 10.08% 1.0 2.52% 0.9762 0.8656 0.0649 0.8824 0.0330 0.0924 10.10% 1.5 2.87% 0.9624 0.8151 0.0505 1.2746 0.0452 0.1265 9.58% 2.0 3.22% 0.9471 0.7730 0.0421 1.6407 0.0551 0.1544 9.10% 2.5 3.52% 0.9307 0.7432 0.0298 1.9865 0.0621 0.1738 8.48% 3.0 3.82% 0.9133 0.7145 0.0287 2.3128 0.0686 0.1921 8.07% 3.5 4.02% 0.8953 0.6990 0.0155 2.6257 0.0721 0.2018 7.48% 4.0 4.22% 0.8768 0.6837 0.0153 2.9254 0.0754 0.2112 7.04% 4.5 4.37% 0.8581 0.6806 0.0031 3.2174 0.0761 0.2131 6.47% 5.0 4.52% 0.8391 0.6776 0.0030 3.5017 0.0767 0.2149 6.00%
CDS Premium – 1yr CDS On the previous page, the 1yr CDS premium is 10.10% To see how this works out, we can calculate: Expected PV of premium on 6mth and 12mth dates: Survival probability × Discount factor × Premium × Day count fraction 6mth: 0.9305 × 0.9885 × 0.1010 × 0.5 = 0.0464 12mth: 0.8656 × 0.9762 × 0.1010 × 0.5 = 0.0427 Expected PV of accrued premium if default occurs half-way through a period Default probability × Discount factor × Premium × Day count fraction 6mth: 0.0695 × 0.9885 × 0.1010 × 0.25 = 0.0017 12mth: 0.0649 × 0.9762 × 0.1010 × 0.25 = 0.0016 Total expected value of premium income = 0.0924 Expected PV of default payment if payment is made at end of period Default probability × Discount factor × (1 – Recovery rate) 6mth: 0.0695 × 0.9885 × (1 – 30%) = 0.0481 12mth: 0.0649 × 0.9762 × (1 – 30%) = 0.0443 Total expected value of default payment = 0.0924
Linking Default Probabilities and CDS Premiums The previous formulas solve for the CDS premium given the default probabilities But which comes first? Default probabilities, or CDS premiums? We have so far started with default probabilities, and then determined CDS premiums This assumes that we can obtain reliable default probabilities… … from bond spreads … or from cumulative default probability tables published by the credit rating agencies In practice, it is the CDS market that is the most liquid! So, in terms of this “chicken and egg” problem: CDS premiums come first From these you can infer default probabilities
Obtaining Default Probabilities from CDS Premiums The formula given previously solves for the N-year CDS premium sN in terms of: Default probabilities PD ■ Discount factors v Survival probabilities PS ■ The day-count fraction T This formula can be re-arranged to solve for the default probability PD given the CDS premium s: To allow for accrual premium: Add PDj/2 to the first summation so that it is: sum [v × T × (PS + PD/2)] Divide the first term inside the brackets in the denominator by 2, i.e. s × v × T / 2 Let’s examine this formula more closely…
Analysing the Formula for Default Probability The formula for determining s from the default and survival probabilities PD and PS was quite straightforward… PD and PS (the data) is on the right s (what we are trying to solve for) is on the left The new formula appears to be a little mixed-up! s (the data) is on the right PD and PS (what we are trying to solve for) is BOTH on the left and the right In fact, this is an example of a bootstrapping formula To solve for PDN, you need sN, as well as PDN-1 and PSN-1 To solve for PDN-1, you need sN-1, as well as PDN-2 and PSN-2 … and so on Let’s look at a worked example
Bootstrapping Default Probabilities – Step 1 First calculate PD1: Suppose: s1 = 10.46% ■ R = 30% v1 = 0.9885 ■ T0,1 = 0.5 Of course, the one-period survival probability PS1 is:
Bootstrapping Default Probabilities – Step 2 Now we have PD1, we can calculate PD2: Suppose: s2 = 10.48% ■ R = 30% v2 = 0.9762 ■ T1,2 = 0.5 And from the previous calculation: PD1 = 0.0695 ■ PS1 = 0.9305
Bootstrapping Default Probabilities – Step 3 We therefore continue the process As we calculate each default probability, we can use this to calculate the next default probability… … until the table of default and survival probabilities is complete Period Forward rates Discount factors vj CDS Spread s Default probability PDj Survival probability PSj 0.5 2.33% 0.9885 10.46% 0.0695 0.9305 1.0 2.52% 0.9762 10.48% 0.0649 0.8656 1.5 2.87% 0.9624 9.92% 0.0505 0.8151 2.0 3.22% 0.9471 9.41% 0.0421 0.7730 2.5 3.52% 0.9307 8.75% 0.0298 0.7432 3.0 3.82% 0.9133 8.31% 0.0287 0.7145 3.5 4.02% 0.8953 7.69% 0.0155 0.6990 4.0 4.22% 0.8768 7.22% 0.0153 0.6837 4.5 4.37% 0.8581 6.62% 0.0031 0.6806 5.0 4.52% 0.8391 6.14% 0.0030 0.6776
Term Structure of Default Probabilities From the example on the previous page, we can construct a term structure of default probabilities…
Approximating Default and Survival Probabilities There are some approximations to the formulas given earlier: One-Period Default Probability This compares to the exact answer of 7.0% Term Survival Probability This compares to the exact answer of 67.8%
Marking CDS to Market When the CDS curve changes, existing CDS contracts will exhibit a mark-to-market profit or loss To determine this: Use the current CDS quotes to construct a new set of default and survival probabilities Use the current set of interest rates to construct a new set of discount factors Value the stream of swap payments and default payments with these new curves The difference between the value of these two legs is the mark-to-market profit The example on the following page illustrates this…
Mark to Market Example In the example below, the entire credit curve has risen by 1% The table recalculates the default and survival probabilities, and then the mark-to-market profits… Period (yrs) Discount factors Survival probability Default probability Old CDS Spread New CDS Spread PV of spread receipt if no default PV of contingent payment PV for buyer on $1m 0.5 0.9885 0.9244 0.0756 10.46% 11.46% 0.0478 0.0523 4,569 1 0.9762 0.8542 0.0701 10.48% 11.48% 0.0915 0.1003 8,738 1.5 0.9624 0.7991 0.0551 9.92% 10.92% 0.1248 0.1374 12,583 2 0.9471 0.7528 0.0462 9.41% 10.41% 0.1519 0.1681 16,148 2.5 0.9307 0.7191 0.0337 8.75% 9.75% 0.1705 0.1900 19,495 3 0.9133 0.6869 0.0322 8.31% 9.31% 0.1880 0.2106 22,631 3.5 0.8953 0.6678 0.0191 7.69% 8.69% 0.1970 0.2226 25,621 4 0.8768 0.6492 0.0186 7.22% 8.22% 0.2056 0.2340 28,467 4.5 0.8581 0.6425 0.0067 6.62% 7.62% 0.2068 0.2380 31,224 5 0.8391 0.6360 0.0065 6.14% 7.14% 0.2080 0.2418 33,892 The $33,892 profit on the 5yr swap arises from paying $10,000 less per annum over a five year period.