SEAS Parent Technology Night
About us: Diane Tober, Technology Teacher & Librarian Richard Kiser, Technology Coordinator Jaime Williams Accelerated Reading Coordinator Technology Curriculum K – 3 Grade each class has technology class for 45 minutes every week. I focus on keyboarding and basic Microsoft Word program skills. I administer Star reading and Star Math testing 3 times a year. K – 2 is given their Super Kids assessment testing also done during tech time. 4 – 6 Grade each class has technology class for 45 minutes every week. We work on keyboarding every class period. I work with the teachers on joint projects to create PowerPoint presentations. New this year each student has a school Gmail account. The students will learn how to use Google Docs and Spreadsheets 7 – 8 Grade students are offered an elective in technology. We are working on keyboarding everyday, Google Apps for Education accounts, Google documents, spreadsheets, presentations and drawing software. We will also be learning computer coding. We talk a lot about social media and how to represent yourself. Each student and parent signs a permission sheet for the Google Apps accounts, e-Readers and a technology handbook agreement. All computer activity is monitored.
Programs: School Website Access information about the school. Access homework, teacher websites & school newsletters. RenWeb Access grades, attendance, updating family information, emergency contacts & pick up information. Important resources such as: monthly calendars, lunch forms, sports information & program help. Moby Max is a new program this year. The student can use this program for enrichment for each subject. Online program for all subjects Individualized for students and spirals Required for grades 4-8, Math teachers will inform you of what is required for your grade level. Enrichment for K-3 Recommend 3-5 sessions for optimal student success. Each lesson is 15-20 minutes depending on the age of the student. Information for use at home is posted on RenWeb.
4. Renaissance Learning Early Star Literacy, Star Reading & Star Math assessments for K – 8 Testing is given 3 to 4 times every year. Accelerated Reading Program is used to encourage reading comprehension. Reading goals and reading levels are determined by the Star test results. Mrs. Williams is the coordinator of AR. Home connect website: Students should have received a sign up letter. Keyboarding Without Tears www:// Used with K and 1st grade Keyboarding Online Keyboarding for Kids for 2 -6 Grade Keyboard Mastery for 7 – 8 Grade