A POCKET GUIDE TO PUBLIC SPEAKING 4TH EDITION Chapter 7 Selecting a Topic and Purpose
Decide Where to Begin Methods Pick a topic that you Make an inventory of your expertise. Focus on social issues of consequence. Pick a topic that you Are drawn to; Want to know more about.
Steer Clear of Overused and Trivial Topics Stay away from overused topics. Consider topics that yield fresh insights. Beware of choosing highly charged topics.
Try Brainstorming to Generate Ideas Word association Write down a single topic. Write things that come to mind. Continue until you have 15-20 items. Narrow the list. Select the best topic.
Try Brainstorming to Generate Ideas (cont.) Topic (mind) mapping Write a potential topic on paper. Write down related ideas around it. A topic map Allows you to visualize relationships; Spurs creative thinking.
Identify the General Purpose of Your Speech General speech purpose Answers the question, “What is my objective in speaking on this topic to this audience on this occasion?” Right margin reset to re-break the text of this lengthy question.
Identify the General Purpose of Your Speech (cont.) Three general purposes for a speech: Educate or inform Persuade Mark a special occasion Speech occasion often suggests a purpose
Narrow Your Topic Consider what the audience already knows. Consider what aspects are most relevant. Pick a discrete topic category. Restrict your main points. Should be between two and five
Narrow Your Topic (cont.) Brainstorming can help narrow your topic. Brainstorm by category. Use an online subject directory. Browse through related subtopic links.
Form a Specific Speech Purpose What you want listeners to learn/do/reconsider/agree with Be specific about your aim. State your aim in action form. Seldom articulated in the speech itself First arrow bullet edited to use more concrete terms from the textbook.
Compose a Thesis Statement Thesis statement (central idea) Theme of the speech Stated in a single, declarative sentence Expresses what you attempt to demonstrate Must be clearly stated Entire speech rests on it
Postpone Development of Main Points Formulate the purpose and thesis first. Develop main points afterward. Informative or persuasive speech Thesis statement Proposes it is true or is believed Presents facts and evidence Order of bullets switched. 1. The new first bullet sums up the general idea. 2. The new second bullets leads into the next slide more smoothly.
Postpone Development of Main Points (cont.) Persuasive speech Thesis represents what you will prove Main points are your arguments Informative speech Thesis describes what listeners will learn
Example of a Thesis Statement (Informative) Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of three benefits of keeping a blog. Thesis: Maintaining a blog lets you sharpen your writing skills, network with persons who share similar interests, and develop basic Web site managements skills
Ex: Thesis Statement (Persuasive) Specific: To persuade the audience to donate nonperishable food to the local food bank to fight hunger in our community. Thesis: A donation of nonperishable food to the local food bank is the best way to help the needy community members starve off hunger.