ljQLo ;+3Lotfsf] l;4fGt M ;+j}wflgs tyf Jojxfl/s kIf


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Presentation transcript:

ljQLo ;+3Lotfsf] l;4fGt M ;+j}wflgs tyf Jojxfl/s kIf 8f lvdnfn b]jsf]6f ljZn]ifsM ljQLo ;+3Lotf÷:yfgLo :jzf;g devkotakl@gmail.com 24th July 2017 9851196379 Staff College

k|:t'tLsf ljifox? ljs]lGb|s/0f / ;+3Lotf ljQLo ;+3Lotsf ;}4flGts tyf ;+j}wflgs kIf :yfgLo txsf clwsf/sf ;"rLx? ;/sf/sf ljleGg txsf nflu /fhZj clwsf/ Expenditure need of various orders of governments Public Finance including local ;+ljwfg cg';f/ /fHosf] ;+/rgf nufotsf] ljj/0f - ljz]ift ljQLo ;+3Lotf;Fu ;DjlGwt _ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] cGt/;DjGw ljQLo ;dfgLs/0f cg'bfg Basic principles of Equalization Formula Under-development Index of provinces cGtdf

ljs]lGb|s/0f / ;+3Lotf

ljQLo ;+3Lotsf ;}4flGts tyf ;+j}wflgs kIf l;4fGtt ljQLo ;+3Lotfdf rf/ j6f d"ne't kIfx? /x]sf x'G5g\ . klxnf], o;n] ;/sf/sf ljleGg txsf sfo{ lhDd]jf/Lx?sf] a+f8km+f8 u/L s'g sfd s;n] ug{]] eGg] ljifonfO{ :ki6 kfb{5 . : Expenditure Assignment bf];|f] o;/L sfo{ lhDd]jf/L a+f8km+f8 ePkl5 ;f] sfo{ k'/f ug{ nfUg] ;|f]t h'6fpg pk /fli6«o txsf ;/sf/x?nfO{ cfjZos s/ tyf ;]jf z'Ns p7fpg] clwsf/ k|bfg ub{5 . : Revenue Assignment l;4fGttM pk /fli6«o ;/sf/n] cfkm"n] k|bfg u/]sf] s/af6 k|zf;lgs vr{ wfGg' kg]{ / hgtfnfO{ ;]jf k|bfg ug'{ kg]{ x'bf ljZjsf clwsf+z pk /fli6«o ;/sf/x? ljsf; lgdf{0f tyf ;fj{hlgs ;]jf ljt/0fsf nflu s]lGb|o cg'bfgdf e/ kb{5g\ . o;}n] ljQLo ;+3Lotfsf] t]>f] kIfsf ?kdf cGt/;/sf/L ljQ x:tfGt/0fnfO{ lng] ul/G5 . (Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers ) ljQLo ;+3Lotfsf] rf}yf] kIf eg]sf] kl5 k|ltkmn lbg], k"FhLut nufgLsf nflu >f]t h'6fpg C0f p7fpg] clwsf/ xf] . (Borrowing mechanism ) / ljQLo ;+3Lotfsf] kfFrf} kIfsf ?kdf cfhef]nL ;+:yfut Ifdtf ljsf;nfO{ lng] ul/G5 . (Institutional capacity development )

:yfgLo txsf clwsf/sf ;"rLx? Expenditure & Revenue assignments

cg;"rL *

;/sf/sf ljleGg txsf nflu /fhZj clwsf/

Tax revenue to various levels of governments ( % )

Expenditure need/Budget estimation to various level of governments ( Rs billion and % ) Unbundling F 870 48.47 P 565 31.48 L 360 20.06 Total 1795 100.00

Public Finance ( Rs, billion )

Share of highest 15 districts in total revenue collection ( Rs billion , 072/73)

Average share of highest 15 districts in total expenditure (%)

LBs revenue and expenditure ( Rs billion ) Total revenue of province ( Rs, billion )

;+ljwfg cg';f/ /fHosf] ;+/rgf nufotsf] ljj/0f - ljz]ift ljQLo ;+3Lotf;Fu ;DjlGwt _ /fHosf] ;+/rgf -wf/f %^ _ g]kfnsf] d"n ;+/rgf ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx u/L tLg txsf] x'g]5 . g]kfnsf] /fHozlQmsf] k|of]u ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] o; ;+ljwfg tyf sfg"g adf]lhd ug{] 5g\ . of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt g]kfndf sfod /x]sf cg';"rL–$ df pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf lhNnfx¿ /x]sf k|b]z /xg]5g\ . :yfgLo tx cGtu{t ufpFkflnsf, gu/kflnsf / lhNnf ;ef /xg]5g\ . lhNnf leqsf ufpFkflnsf / gu/kflnsfx¿aLr ;dGjo ug{ Ps lhNnf ;ef /xg]5 - wf/f @@)_ /fHozlQmsf] afF8kmfF8 - wf/f %& _ ;+3sf] clwsf/ cg';"rL–% df plNnlvt ljifodf lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . k|b]zsf] clwsf/ cg';"rL–^ df plNnlvt ljifodf lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u ;+ljwfg / k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . ;+3 / k|b]zsf] ;femf clwsf/ cg';"rL–& df plNnlvt ljifodf lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u ;+ljwfg, ;+3Lo sfg"g / k|b]z sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . :yfgLo txsf] clwsf/ cg';"rL–* df plNnlvt ljifodf lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u ;+ljwfg / ufpF ;ef jf gu/ ;efn] agfPsf] sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] ;femf clwsf/ cg';"rL–( df plNnlvt ljifodf lglxt /xg]5 / To:tf] clwsf/sf] k|of]u of] ;+ljwfg / ;+3Lo sfg"g, k|b]z sfg"g / ufpF ;ef jf gu/ ;efn] agfPsf] sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 .

;+ljwfg cg';f/ /fHosf] ;+/rgf ====== cfly{s clwsf/sf] k|of]u -wf/f %( _ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] cfˆgf] clwsf/leqsf] cfly{s clwsf/ ;DaGwL ljifodf sfg"g agfpg], jflif{s ah]6 agfpg], lg0f{o ug]{, gLlt tyf of]hgf tof/ ug]{ / To;sf] sfof{Gjog ug]{ 5g\ . ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] cf–cfˆgf] txsf] ah]6 agfpg] 5g\ / k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] ah]6 k]z ug]{ ;do ;+3Lo sfg"g adf]lhd x'g]5 . /fh:j ;|f]tsf] afF8kmfF8 - wf/f ^) _ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] cfˆgf] cfly{s clwsf/If]q leqsf] ljifodf s/ nufpg / tL ;|f]tx¿af6 /fh:j p7fpg ;Sg]5g\ . g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+sng u/]sf] /fh:j ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txnfO{ Gofof]lrt ljt/0f ug]{ Joj:yf ldnfpg]5 k|b]z / :yfgLo txn] k|fKt ug]{ ljQLo x:tfGt/0fsf] kl/df0f /fli6«o k|fs[lts ;|f]t tyf ljQ cfof]usf] l;kmfl/; adf]lhd x'g]5 . g]kfn ;/sf/n] k|b]z / :yfgLo txnfO{ vr{sf] cfjZostf / /fh:jsf] Ifdtfsf] cfwf/df ljQLo ;dfgLs/0f cg'bfg ljt/0f ug]{5 .   ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx aLrsf] ;DaGw -wf/f @#@ _ ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx aLrsf] ;DaGw ;xsfl/tf, ;xcl:tTj / ;dGjosf] l;4fGtdf cfwfl/t x'g]5 .

;+ljwfg cg';f/ /fHosf] ;+/rgf ====== k|b]z / :yfgLo txdf ;/sf/L ;]jfx¿sf] u7g / ;~rfng - wf/f #)@ _ k|b]z / :yfgLo txdf cfjZos ;]jf k|jfx ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos Joj:yf ug{]5 . ;/sf/L ;]jfdf sfo{/t /fi6«;]js sd{rf/LnfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] sfg"g adf]lhd ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txdf ;dfof]hg u/L ;]jf k|jfxsf] Joj:yf ldnfpg ;Sg]5 . jt{dfg sfg"g nfu" /xg] -wf/f #)$ _ of] ;+ljwfg k|f/De x'Fbfsf avt sfod /x]sf g]kfn sfg"g vf/]h jf ;+zf]wg geP;Dd nfu" /xg]5g\ . t/ of] ;+ljwfg;Fu aflemPsf] sfg"g of] ;+ljwfg adf]lhdsf] ;+3Lo ;+;bsf] klxnf] clwj]zg a;]sf] ldltn] Ps jif{kl5 aflemPsf] xb;Dd :jtM cdfGo x'g]5 .

;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txsf] cGt/;DjGw —ufkf, gkf -cfof]un] lgwf{/0f u/]jdf]lhd—&#) hlt_, lhNnf;ef &% :yfgLo tx k|b]z—& ;+3 g]kfn /fHosf] d"n ;+/rgf ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo tx x'g] ;+3, k|b]z / :yfgLo txaLrsf] ;DjGw ;xsfl/tf, ;xcl:tTj / ;dGjodf cfwfl/t x'g] –wf/f @#@

;fljsdf :yfgLo lgsfo cg'bfg ;'q ljt/0fsf] cfwf/ ufFp ljsf; ;ldlt gu/kflnsf lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt hg;+Vof ^) k|ltzt %) k|ltzt $) k|ltzt If]qkmn !) k|ltzt efl/t nfut #) k|ltzt – @%k|ltzt efl/t ul/aL @% k|ltzt efl/t cfGtl/s s/ k|of; !% k|ltzt

सशर्त अनुदानः ७६ अर्ब ४१ करोडः गाउँपालिकाः न्यूनतम रु.१० करोड, अधिकतम रू. ३९ करोड नगरपालिकाः न्यूनतम रू. १५ करोड, अधिकतम रू. ४३ करोड उपमहानगरपालिकाः न्यूनतम रू. ४० करोड, अधिकतम रू. ६३ करोड महानगरपालिकाः न्यूनतम रू. ५६ करोड, अधिकतम रू. १ अर्ब २४ करोड सशर्त अनुदानः ७६ अर्ब ४१ करोडः

समानीकरण अनुदानः 148 अर्ब

Basic principles of Equalization Formula Clear objective Finance follows the function Balanced national priorities Enhancing equity and fairness Simplicity and transparency Using rules Equal shares/threshold Avoid sudden large changes

Finance Commission Formula  Criteria 12th FC (2005-10) 13th FC (2010-15) 14th FC (2015-20) 1971 Population 25 17.5 Demographic change 10 Income distance 50 Area 15 Forest cover 7.5 Tax effort Fiscal discipline Fiscal capacity distance 47.5

South Africa ( 9 province)  Provinces  Education Health   Basic Share  Poverty  Economic Activity  Institutional  weighted average  48 %  27 %  16 %  3 %  1 %  5 %  100%  Eastern Cape  15.2 13.4  12.5 16.1  7.5   11.1 14   Free State  5.3 5.4  5.2  5.3   5.6  Gauteng  17.5 21.5  24  17.2   34.5  19.5  KwaZulu-Natal  22.6 22  19.7  22.2   15.7  21.3  Limpopo  13.1 10.4  13.6  7.1   7.1  11.8  Mpumalanga  8.5 7.3  7.8  9.1   7  8.2  Northern Cape  2.3 2.1  2.2   2.2  2.7 North West 6.5 6.8 8.1 11.1 6.9 Western Cape 9 11.4 6.2 14.2 10 Total 100% Local Government S.N. Indicators Weighted %  1  Basic Service component 77.9  2  Institutional component 8.8  3  Community services component 13.3

Equalization System Horizontal equalization Norway Sweden Revenue Cost equalization Germany Portugal Austria United Kingdom Denmark Finland Italy Australia Greece Canada Switzerland Spain Mexico Vertical equalization

Vertical tax revenue sharing ( % of total tax ) S.N. Country % 1 Australia 18.7 10 France 13.1   States 15.3 Local 3.4 11 Germany 29.3 2 Austria 4.8 Länder 21.3 1.6 8.0 3.2 12 Greece 3.7 3 Belgium 10.4 5.3 13 Hungary 6.5 5.0 4 Canada 49.4 14 Iceland 26.6 Provinces 39.7 9.7 15 Ireland 3.3 5 Chile 6.6 16 Israel 7.6 6 Czech Republic 1.2 17 Italy 15.9 7 Denmark 26.7 Regions 11.7 4.2 8 Estonia 13.3 18 Japan 25.2 9 Finland 23.2 19 Korea 16.3

S.N. Country % 20 Luxembourg 4.7 29 Spain 32.7   Local Regions 23.1 21 Mexico 3.6 9.6 States 2.5 30 Sweden 35.7 1.1 22 Netherlands 31 Switzerland 39.4 24.2 23 New Zealand 7.3 15.2 32 Turkey 8.8 24 Norway 12.1 33 United Kingdom 4.8 25 Poland 12.5 34 United States 36.8 26 Portugal 6.6 20.9 15.9 27 Slovak Republic 2.9 35 India 42.0 28 Slovenia 10.9 36 South Africa Provinces 29.0 4

Tax assignment in various orders of governments ( Canada ) Level of governments and tax items Share in Revenue ( % ) Determination of tax F S L Total Base Rate Collection & administration Federal   Income tax 64.7 35.3 100 Consumption tax 45.3 54.7 Payroll tax 68.6 31.4 User fees 24.4 23.3 52.3 State or provincial P F,P Resource tax Health premium Property tax 2.2 97.8 Local 23.2

Direct expenditure by function and level of government ( Canada ) S.N. Function Federal State or provincial Local % 1 Defence 100 2 Debt servicing 53.2 42.1 4.7 3 General adminisstration 44 27.3 28.7 4 Law and order 55.4 23.1 21.5 5 Economic services 26.9 47.7 25.4 6 Social services 57.6 37.1 55.3 150 7 Health 21 77.7 1.3 8 Education 5.3 52.6 9 Local public services 9.1 Primary and preschool education   9.2 Public health 9.3 Hospitals 9.4 Urban Highway 9.5 Urban transportation 9.6 drinking water and sewerage 9.7 waste collection 9.8 Electric power supply 9.9 Fire protection 9.10 Public order and saftey 9.11 Police

Area ( % ) Population ( % )

HDI Per Capita Income ($ )

Under-development Index of provinces (i ) Per Capita Income, ii ) Female Literacy rate, ( iii ) Infant Mortality Rate, (iv ) Household Amenities ( drinking water and toilets ) ( v) Remoteness ( level of costs ) ( vi ) Connectivity ( rural and central roads ) (vii ) Deprived Caste/ Ethnic Group ( Dalits )

Provincial share (Pop 50, area 25 , under-develop 25)

Equalization Grant ( Rs, 000) bigger than 3 districts S.N. District Name Population Area वित्तीय समानीकरण अनुदान 1 हुम्ला नाम्खा गाउँपालिका 3900 2419.64 105,130 2 मुगु मुगुम कार्मारोंग गाउँपालिका 5396 2106.91 124,286 3 ताप्लेजुङ फक्ताङलुङ गाउँपालिका 12017 1858.51 170,211 4 गोरखा चुमनुव्री गाउँपालिका 6923 1648.65 126,747 5 सोलुखुम्बु खुम्वु पासाङल्हमु गाउँपालिका 8989 1539.11 125,801 6 बझाङ काँडा गाउँपालिका 2182 1467.27 100,000 7 मुस्ताङ दालोमे गाउँपालिका 1423 1344.00 8 चंखेली गाउँपालिका 5517 1310.41 116,289 9 म्याग्दी धवलागिरी गाउँपालिका 14104 1037.00 165,160 10 रसुवा गोसाईंकुण्ड गाउँपालिका 7143 978.77 115,349

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