Want & Ignorance A Christmas Carol Adam Barton
1. “I see something _______” Represents: ??? Language device: ???
1. “I see something strange” Represents: Shows that Scrooge is ignorant to poverty, it also shows that poverty is unnatural. Language device: “strange” is an adjective.
2. “not _________ to yourself” Represents: ??? Language device: ???
2. “not belonging to to yourself” Represents: Shows that the children (Poverty) is society’s responsibility. Language device: “belonging” is an adjective.
3. “yellow, meagre, ______, scowling, _______” Represents: ??? Language device: ???
3. “yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish” Represents: Represents the consequences of society’s abandonment of the poor. Language device: All adjectives.
4. “They are ____” Message: ???
4. “They are man’s” Message: Shows that the poor are society’s responsibility.
5. “on his brow I see that written which is ____” Represents: ??? Language device: ???
5. “on his brow I see that written which is doom” Represents: Shows that if the poor are not taken care of it will result in doom. Language device: Noun “doom” represents society's demise (death).
6. “Have they no ______ or ________” Represents: ??? Language device: ???
6. “Have they no refuge or resource” Represents: Shows scrooge changing. Language device: “refuge” and “resource” are nouns.