Workshop Objectives Software Version Files Required Use Adams/Solver to simulate the given Mazda MX-6 hatchback model. Software Version Adams 2013 Files Required Saved file from Workshop 18 or Hatchback_2_completed.cmd located in exercise_dir/mod_18_hatchback_2/completed
Problem Description In this workshop you will use the model saved in Workshop 18. Recall the parts of this model are constrained as follows:
Suggested Steps Import file and export a database file. Create a command file. For windows open a command window. For UNIX open a UNIX shell. Perform the simulation. Modify the spring stiffness in the dataset (.adm) file Modify the Adams/Solver command file (.acf). Perform a simulation and import results. Check that both analyses are children of the model. Scale the curves by a moment arm (1/700). Investigate the new curves. Optional tasks
Step 1. Import File and Export a Dataset file To import file: Start Adams/View, and set the directory to exercise_dir/mod_19_hatchback_3. From the directory exercise_dir/mod_18_hatchback_2, import the model that you created in the previous section. If you need a fresh copy of the model, import the command file, hatchback_2_completed.cmd, from the directory exercise_dir/mod_18_hatchback_2/completed. d e To export a dataset (.adm) file: From the File menu, select Export. Enter the following, and select OK: File Type: Adams/Solver Dataset File Name: hatchback.adm Adams/view exports this file to your current working directory, exercise_dir/mod_19_hatchback_3. f
Step 2. Create a Command File To create a command file (.acf): Open a text editor (unix: vi or Jot; Windows: Notepad or WordPad) Create an Adams/Solver command file (.acf) that contains the following commands: hatchback.adm (.adm extension optional) hatchback_test1 OUTPUT/NOSEPARATOR DEACTIVATE/MOTION, id=1 SIMULATE/DYNAMIC, END=4, STEPS=40 ACTIVATE/MOTION, id=1 SIMULATE/KINEMATIC, END=7, STEPS=30 STOP Save the file as hatchback.acf in your current working directory, exercise_dir/mod_19_hatchback_3 b c
Step 3. For Windows Open a Command Window If you are running on UNIX, skip to step 4, page WS19-9. For windows: From the Start menu, point to All Programs >MSC.Software>Adams x64 2013>Adams - Command Prompt Change directories to your working directory, exercise_dir/mod_19_hatchback_3 Use table 1 as a reference for the commands. Leave the window open because you will be running Adams/Solver from this window. Skip to step 5, go to page WS19-10. b d
Step 4. For Unix Open a UNIX Shell Change the directories to your working directory, exercise_dir/mod_19_hatchback_3 Use Table 2 as a reference for the UNIX Commands Leave the shell open because you will be running Adams/Solver from this shell. c
Step 5. Perform the Simulation To perform a simulation in stand-alone Adams/Solver using the command file you just created (hatchback.acf), for Windows use the following commands: To display the Adams Program menu use: adams<version #> - for the MSC version of Adams Note: for a 64-bit machines append the command with _x64 ru-s - runs Adams/Solver with standard Adams executable Hatchback.acf - identifies the .acf Adams/Solver file and runs the simulation Exit - exits Adams/Solver Leave the window open because you will be using it again soon. To perform a simulation in stand-alone Adams/Solver using the command file you just created (hatchback.acf), for UNIX use the following commands: adamsxx –c - to display the Adams program menu. (where xx is the version number, for example adams2013 –c ) ru-s - runs Adams/Solver with standard Adams executable Note: As common practice, you should open the message file (.msg) and search for errors and warnings. Correct the model or the .acf file to eliminate the errors and warnings. a b c c
Step 6. Modify the Spring Stiffness in the Dataset (.adm) File To modify the spring stiffness in the dataset (.adm) file: In a text editor, open hatchback.adm, this file is located in the directory exercise_dir/mod_19_hatchback_3. Do a search for forces. Modify the value of both the springs stiffness from -0.21578 to -0.30 N/mm Save the file as hatchback2.adm in the same directory. b a c d
Step 7. Modify the Adams/Solver Command File To modify the Adam/Solver command file (.acf) to run with hatchback2.adm: In the text editor, open hatchback.acf from the directory exercise_dir/mod_19_hatchback_3. Modify the first and second lines of the .acf file so they are: Hatchback2 Hatchback_test2 Save the file as hatchback2.acf. a b c
Step 8. Perform a Simulation and Import Results b To perform a simulation: Using the new command file, (hatchback2.acf) perform a stand alone Adams/Solver simulation. Similar to how it was done previously on page WS19-10. To import the results for both simulations: In Adams/View, from the File menu, select Import. For the File Type, select Adams/Solver Analysis (*.req, *.gra, *.res) For the Files to Read select hatchback_test1.res. For the Model Name enter hatchback Click OK to import the results for hatchback_test1. To import the results for hatchback_test2, repeat steps b through f, except change the File to Read to hatchback_test2.res. d e f c
Step 9. Check that Both Analyses Are Children of the Model To check that both analyses are children of the model: Use Tools>Database Navigator In the Database Navigator, change the Filter type from modeling to Analyses. Double click the + sign of the hatchback model. Check to make sure that both hatchback_test1 and hatchback_test2 are children of the model. a b c d
Step 10. Scale the Curves by a moment arm (1/700) f h i e g c j d To scale the curves by a moment arm (1/700): Activate the measure closing_torque_measure. Tip: change the filter type to measure Launch Adams/PostProcessor. From the Simulation list, select the two analyses, hatchback_test1 and hatchback_test2. From the measure list, select closing_torque_measure. Click Add Curves. Click the Curve Edit Toolbar Icon. a From the new toolbar, select the Scale a Curve tool. To individually scale both curves by the moment arm (1/700) enter 1/700 in the scale textbox Select both curves 1 and 2. The new curves should show up in the legend.
Step 11. Investigate the New Curves To investigate the new curves: Use Edit>Delete to delete the original curves. Use the Subtract one curve from another tool to find the approximate differences between the maximum force values. Use this value to answer Question 2 in the Workshop 19, Review section, page WS19-18 Save your model. If you want to further explore the model in the optional tasks, then leave the model open. Otherwise Exit Adams/View. b a
Step 12. Optional Tasks To Simulate the Model in Adams/Solver: Simulate interactively but without a script (no .acf file). From a DOS prompt, enter the following commands, where xx is the current version of Adams: adamsxx<CR> ru-standard<CR> <CR> (Because you do not have an Adams/Solver command file (.acf), press the enter key). Adams/Solver should start. At the Adams command prompt, enter commands one at a time in the same order in which they appear in the .acf file. After entering all the commands, exit Adams/Solver and import your results into Adams/View so you can inspect them using animations and plotting. To launch Adams 2013 from Windows command prompt, set an environment variable as follows: Search the PATH environment variable under system variable/user variable. Edit its value as follows : Variable Name: PATH Variable Value : X:\MSC.Software\Adams_x64\2013\bin *where X is location drive on which Adams is installed. If this environment variable is not available, create the same as mentioned in step b. Open Command prompt window, and run command Adams2013_x64 from your working Directory.
Workshop 19, Review Workshop Questions What is the difference between a statement and a command? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the maximum force difference between the two tests (hatchback_test1 and hatchback_test2) you performed? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________