An Interactive Introduction to Qi Gong Candace Markley, MD MPH Resident Wellness Presentation
What is Qi Gong? A principle component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Other TCM practices include: Acupuncture T’ai Chi T’ai Chi Chung Herbals
Understanding Qi “Life energy” Qi is organic, it does not need to be created; although, it can be focused and directed to different parts of the mind or body In our most baseline and effortless state, Qi flows freely and effortlessly through us Qi has healing powers Gong “Practice”, “Work” “Foster”, “Develop” “Play”, “Interact” ??
“Energy meridians, or jing luo, link all the organs and the entire physical body to the mind and emotional systems…. [ they ] are a network of channels that move Qi through the body. Jing literally means ‘to move through’, and luo means ‘a net.’ … Qi flows through and powers every cell in your body … Qi radiates via the meridians … You can’t see these meridians; you can only detect the energy that moves through them… Ancient maps of these meridians, made thousands of years ago by traditional Chinese doctors, show 14 main energy meridians that carry Qi throughout the body internally and externally. These meridians’ flow of energy is opened, [unblocked], and balanced by Tai Chi and Qi Gong practice.”
Zang Fu
Illness = Blocked Qi Shallow Breathing Lack of Movement Cynicism
Practicing Qi Gong Working on unblocking your Qi
Sitting Qi Gong: Deep Breathing & Mindfullness
Moving Qi Gong Let’s Try It!
Dan Tien, Horse Stance & Vertical Posture
Sinking your Qi & Tai Chi Walking Dan Tien >> Vertical Axis / Horse Stance >> Moving your Axis, Sinking your Qi >> Massaging your Dan Tien / Organs >> Small Bubble >> Large Bubble (with and without sinking Qi) >> Painting Wall >> Sun Salutation >> Reaching >> Shoulder Shrug >> Hands over Dan Tien Focusing on Breathing Meditation
Letting Go of Cynicism: “Playing” with Qi
Acknowledgements / Resources Unless otherwise specified, all images/media were borrowed from: The Complete Idiots Guide to T’ai Chi & QiGong Illustrated, Fourth Edition Authors: Bill Douglas and Angela Wong Douglas Melinda Kong!!! There are lots of great videos on You Tube for guided practices. I recommend searching around and finding one that works for you. Remember, there is no right or wrong to Qi Gong! Thank You!!!
FYI, from Michele Wong: (Integrative Health Medical Director) “We are also starting soon a Mindful Movement group; yoga and meditation based group for patients to learn tools for stress resilience and to help with mild to moderate aneurysm depression or chronic pain. Please let your classmates know and please start referring! Will be in Antioch, Pittsburg and Concord. You type Mindful into cclink to order.”