CSE5544 Final Project Proposal Xiaonan Ji & Tong Zhao April 18th 2017
Overview Dataset: Visualization Publication Data Collection - IEEE Visualization (IEEE VIS) publications from 1990-2015. Number of publications: 2752 Information: Year, Type, Title, Author, Keywords, Abstract, References, etc. Objective: Identify the impacts and citation relations of publications. Identify the impacts and collaborations of authors and research communities. Identify the development and evolution of research topics/areas. Keywords Title & Abstract
Existing Visualization 1 CiteVis2 CiteMatrix VISLIsts
Existing Visualization 2 Citation Network Co-authorship Network
Existing Visualization 3 Circular graph with edge bundles for citation relationship Exploration tool with various views Ranking Network Ranking table Temporal patterns of co-authorship
Proposed Work Identify the development and evolution of research topics/areas from 1990-2015. Generate a series of map projections (2D scatter plot) by placing studies (aka. publications or articles) based on their features derived from i.e. keywords, title, abstract. Techniques: Python for feature extraction, t-SNE for dimensionality reduction, and D3.js for visualization. Innovation Gap? Filled Gap Potential future work Mature area Unexplored Area New area 1990 2000 2010
Proposed Work cont. Identify the development and evolution of research topics/areas from 1990-2015. Resize the publications based on the time of “being cited” to reflect their impacts. Summarize or group publications into clusters (cluster topic = most frequent keywords). If time permits, we would also try with network visualization (besides the map/scatter-plot). 1990 2000 2010
Thank you!