Using lexical chains for keyword extraction Presenter : Jian-Ren Chen Authors : Gonenc Ercan, Ilyas Cicekli * 2007.IPM
Outlines Motivation Objectives Methodology Experiments Conclusions Comments
Motivation It is a hard and time consuming task to assign keywords to documents. The automatic keyphrase extraction algorithms are limited with phrases that appear in the text.
Objectives We present a keyword extraction method such that it uses the features based on lexical chains in the selection of keywords for a text.
Methodology first occurrence position frequency last occurrence position
Methodology – Lexical chains WordNet - synonym、hyponym/hypernym more than one relationship up to 3 levels of depth identify nouns only consider individual words
Methodology – lexical chains Lexical chain score of a word: Direct Lexical chain score of a word: Lexical chain span score of a word: Direct lexical chain span score of a word: 59 (=7 · 7 + 10) 28 (=4 · 7)
Experiments - Datasets Corpus Name Texts in corpus Number of Training Documents Testing Total Journal Articles full texts 55 20 75 Global corpus abstracts 110 45 155 - extract 1, 5, 10, 15 keywords for each document
Experiments Lexical chain score of a word: Direct Lexical chain score of a word: Lexical chain span score of a word: Direct lexical chain span score of a word:
Conclusions According to the results that are obtained, the lexical chain features improve the precision significantly in the keyword extraction process.
Comments Advantages Lexical chains will more consider the semantic relationships Applications keyword extraction