CSc 2310 Principles of Programming (Java) Dr. Xiaolin Hu
Syllabus Instructor: Xiaolin Hu ( Textbook Prerequisites: CSc2010 The course includes lectures, programming assignments (homework), in-class quizzes, and written exams.
Class webpage Homework Submission: Desire2Learn’s Dropbox function Get familiar with it.
Homework Assignments You have 2-3 days from the homework is given to turn in your homework. Specific due date will be given when the homework is announced. Turn in the source code file only, i.e., the java file. The java file name should be exactly the same as stated in the homework requirements. We will compile your java file and then run the class file to see your results. For example, if you are asked to turn in a file, you should submit this file only. Make sure the file name is and make sure you can compile it by typing “javac” in command line because this is how we will grade your homework.
Special Requirements for this Class As a special requirement that applies to all homework problems in this class, in each problem you will be asked to print an extra line: “this is xxxx’s homework” at the appropriate places of your solution, where xxxx is your name. The specific places to print this line will be stated in the specific problem. For example, if your name is Xiaolin Hu, and your homework is supposed to print “hello world” as the solution. As the special requirement for this class, the assignment also asks you to print the “this is xxxx’s homework” line in the beginning of your solution. In this example, after compiling and running your program, we expect to see the result as illustrated below:
General Grading Rules Assuming the full score of a problem is 3 points The java code is unrelated – 0 pint Cannot compile the java file (due to reasons such as incorrect java code, incorrect file name, adding unnecessary package and/or folder structures…) – 0 point Can compile, cannot execute (e.g., exceptions) or the result is totally wrong - 1 point Can compile, can execute, result is incorrect but meaningful – 2 points Can compile, can execute, correct result – 3 points Notes: if your result does not print the “this is xxxx’s homework” line at the appropriate places, you homework is considered as having wrong results. If your “this is xxxx’s homework” line shows another student’s name, this indicates plagiarism. In this case, both you and the other student will receive 0 point for the entire homework. Furthermore, both will be reported to the Student Ethic Committee of the CS department. So, please do not share your homework with others, because the risk is very high.
Homework Grading Process To streamline the homework grading process, below is what the TA will do when grading your homework: Open your java file and quickly browse it. If you java code is not related to the problem, stop here, and you get 0 point. Compile your java file. If it cannot compile, stop here, and you get 0 point. Make sure the name of your java file matches exactly with the name specified by the homework requirement. Execute the complied class file. If it cannot be executed or the result is totally wrong, stop here, and you get 1 point. If it executes and the results is incorrect but meaningful, you get 2 points; if the result is correct, you get 3 points. The whole process for grading one problem will be less than 1 minutes. There is no time for the TA to debug your program to make it work, or to look into your code trying to justify your results. We will compare your results with the “standard results” we expect and assign a score based on that.
Computer Issues I believe “learning by doing” for this class. I strongly encourage you to bring your own laptop (if you have one or you can borrow one) into the class. I plan to allocate “in-class programming time”, when students write programs in the class (and I am available to answer any of your questions). If you can find a partner in this class who can share the computer with you, that also works. In the worse case, you can write programs on paper. iPad: there are some free Apps such as the “Java Programming Language” App For Android devices: “Sand IDE for Java Developers”
Class Policies Policy on academic honesty Attendance Homework Exams Attendance Drop within the first week Last date for withdrawal Final exam time Other issues – cell phone, walk in/out of classroom 40 38
TA Minghao Wang Yuan Long Questions?