Facilitator Mr John Mbenzi WELCOME IRO 2017 Facilitator Mr John Mbenzi
SCOPE Overview of the Content: About the Assignments Hints on Exam Definition of IR Why do we study IR IR theories and how their application in explaining complex IR issues/events State and IR Globalisation North-south and South-South relations International organisations (IOs) Selected IOs mandated to maintain Peace and Security Selected IOs promoting international Trade and Finance About the Assignments Hints on Exam End!
Defining IR IR is defined in 3 ways: Diplomatic-strategic relations of states focusing on issues of war and peace, conflict and cooperation Cross- border transactions of all kinds; political, economic and social Globalisation: studying issues such as world communication, transport, global business etc. Which of the 3 is more relevant for IR study?
Why studying IR Division of different states that need each other, inter-state relations Understanding that states operate as a system - the global system of states The meaning and impact of sovereignty on need for IR Need to examine how states uphold the 5 basic social values (security, freedom, order, justice and welfare)
IR theories and their application Liberal Internationalism Realism Regime Hegemonic stability, and Marxism theory
State and IR Defining the concept ‘state’ Difference between domestic and foreign policy Three (3) Models for foreign policy formulation and analysis Foreign policy implementation Power and security
5. GLOBALISATION Defining globalisation the spread and intensification of economic, social, and cultural relations across international border Impact of globalisation on the rich and poor
North-South and South-South relations NN relations is a socio-economic and political division between the wealthy developed countries ‘the North’ and the poorer developing countries ‘the South’ Most wealthy nations are located above latitude 30°North (except Australia and NZ) ‘The South’ represents mostly the previously colonised countries
Concerns about North - South Relations North-South relations is relationships between the advanced industrialized countries (the North) and the developing countries (the South). North-South relations became an issue in international politics following decolonisation. Why? The South form up the Non- Aligned Movement (NAM) in 1961 The South presented to UNGA the demand for a New International Economic Order(NIEO) in 1974.
South - South relations What is South - South relations? The South-South relations are both economic and political interactions among developing countries These came about after developing realised that it is unlikely for the ‘the North’ to address their concerns fairly.
7. International Organisations (IOs) An international organisation is an institution that draws membership from at least three states, having activities in several states, and whose members are held together by a formal agreement.
Classes of IOs Two distinct classes of IOs: The intergovernmental Org. (IGOs) are organizations made up primarily of sovereign states e.g., the UN,EU, AU International Nongovernmental Org. (INGOs). can be non-profit organizations e.g.. the IOC, lCRC, Amnesty International or profit oriented org. /MNC eg Toyota, Coca Cola, Macdonald Our discussions will focus more on IGOs. Why?
Why state join IOs Perception that IOs Manage collective activities efficiently Alternative arena to circumvent political interference in internal affairs (eg IMF and World Bank Creating community of states Incentivising states to pool resources Mechanism to promote development an avenue for solving legal and political disputes
Issues Areas in which IOs are very active Security Welfare and economic relations Environment Human rights
Selected IGOs mandated to oversee Peace & Security LON, UN, AU, SADC
Selected IOs Active promoting international trade and Finance International Monitory Fund (IMF) World Bank (WB) World Trade Organisation (WTO)
About assignment Importance Requirements Outcome on assignments How to improve
Exams Scope Examine previous exam papers Discuss Exams scope and guidelines
Conclusion Review questions Summary End!