How Do You Solve A Problem Like Anaemia? West Midlands Regional Transfusion Committee The West Midlands Regional Transfusion Practitioners Group proudly present their 9th Annual Conference How Do You Solve A Problem Like Anaemia? Types of anaemia Recognition and Management RCN IV Iron Guidance Transfusion Triggers Over Transfusion Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Why Do Patients Bleed? Inappropriate Transfusion Patient Empowerment Collaborative Working Patient Blood Management Includes refreshments, lunch and delegate pack FREE multidisciplinary conference MONDAY 13th JULY 2015 9:50am – 3:50pm at George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW DO YOU SOLVE A PROBLEM LIKE ANAEMIA REGISTRATION FORM – please photocopy as required Please use BLOCK CAPITALS Name: _____________________________________ Job Title: ___________________________________ Hospital: ___________________________________ Department: ________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Telephone number: ___________________________ Special dietary / access requirements: ____________ You will receive confirmation of your reservation by e-mail Please return this form before Thursday 2nd July to: Mrs Suzy Biggs West Midlands RTC Administrator Medical Department NHS Blood & Transplant Vincent Drive Birmingham B15 2SG Email: Tel: 0121 278 4011 Fax: 0208 420 5208