Our Place in God’s Story Part 4: The prophets & the age to come
living under God’s Rule/Blessing The Kingdom of GOD God’s People in God’s Place living under God’s Rule/Blessing
THE UNITED KINGDOM Saul, David & Solomon Solomon’s HEART goes after other gods
THE DIVIDED KINGDOM REHOBOAM is foolish The nation divides into two: ISRAEL in the north & JUDAH in the south
The North (Israel) JEROBOAM sets up rival shrine Bad king AHAB marries JEZEBEL ELIJAH defeats the prophets of BAAL Israel prospers under JEROBOAM II God speaks to them through AMOS and HOSEA
The South (Judah) 20 kings, a few good ones: HEZEKIAH, encouraged by ISAIAH & MICAH JOSIAH brings reform & celebrates PASSOVER again, encouraged by JEREMIAH & ZEPHANIAH
The South (Judah) Assyria is defeated by BABYLON, despite the preaching of JONAH. Judah is delighted (see NAHUM) NEBUCHADNEZZAR defeats Jerusalem, & takes exiles to Babylon, including EZEKIEL and DANIEL 10 years later, Jerusalem is destroyed totally. LAMENTATIONS
THE PROPHETS a new COVENANT (Jeremiah 31:31-34) new HEARTS & Holy Spirit (Ezek 36) a new KING (Isaiah 9, 11; Jer 23) whole of CREATION renewed (Isaiah 65)
The end of the exile Babylon is defeated by PERSIA, & Cyrus allows the Jews to return
The end of the exile Babylon is defeated by PERSIA, & Cyrus allows the Jews to return They rebuild the temple, encouraged by HAGGAI & ZECHARIAH EZRA teaches the law NEHEMIAH rebuilds the walls Some stay in exile (including ESTHER)
Between the Testaments The nation is never great again, & there is a huge gap between the prophecies & reality. The voice of prophecy is quiet for 400 years Expectation grows that God will send a MESSIAH, who will usher in the KINGDOM of GOD fully.