Miss Gnuse and Mrs. Landers What we’re learning! Letters and Sounds: Initial and final sounds for Tt and Nn Sight Words: at am Reading Strategy: We are working on identifying the problem and solution in a story agnuse@sps186.org Phone: 299-0204 November 8, 2016 Here’s what’s happening… We have been working hard to isolate the beginning sound in a word. We are ready for more challenging tasks and have begun working on listening for the ending sound in words. We also learned about voting and got to vote for the next president last Tuesday. Today we participated in a silly vote about which fictional character we wanted to be president: Grace, Duck, or Splat the Cat. We started our fifth math topic this week about how to categorize and sort. We started our second writing unit on narrative writing and started working on our next writing story. A lot is happening in room 108! Be sure to ask your child what he/she is learning!!! Writing Skill: Telling and writing narrative stories Math Topic: Comparing and counting numbers to 10
Exciting NEWS!!! Miss Gnuse and Mrs. Landers Student of the Month: Important Dates: 10th: Last day of the 1st Marking Period 11th: No School – Veteran’s Day 15th: Picture Retake Day 16th: Field Trip to the Festival of Trees And report cards come home 24th and 25th: No School – Thanksgiving Break Student of the Month: Nehemiah Exciting NEWS!!! I spent some time writing a classroom grant to give the students unique math and science opportunities in the classroom. We just found out that our grant was chosen to be funded! We want to send a special thank you to the Springfield Public Schools Foundation who funded our project. Because of their generosity, each child will have his/her own set of Legos from which to work through some creative problem solving challenges. We also will be receiving many math and science materials. We are so excited!!! Classroom Visitors! We LOVE visitors! If you ever want to come see what we’re doing please come for a visit. Many of the families want to see what kindergarten is like and we’d love to have you come visit!