Performance Management Goal Setting 1
Goal Setting Training Objectives What you will learn on this course: Why you need to set goals Guidelines for goal setting Understanding SMART Goals Managing by Objectives Your Objectives 2
How much have you done about it? Goal Setting How many times have you been told you’d be more successful if you were better organised? How many times have you told yourself that you must organise your activities more effectively? How often have you promised yourself that you’ll do something about it? How much have you done about it? Each person has exactly the same amount of time each day. Some get better value from their time than others because they use it efficiently. They practice good planning and organising to get the most out of every minute. That is what self-organisation boils down to - “Efficient use of the time at our disposal” Notes 5
Goal Setting If you aim and try you can succeed We learn to be well organised or we don’t, according to what experience has taught us, and if we recognise that we are not well organised, we can learn to organise ourselves and we can take responsibility for the success that we plan for the future. It is so easy, so enjoyable, and so profitable to plan and organise for the future. The average person remains average because they are content to point themselves in the general direction of a desired end and trust to luck that in the course of time they will be able to supply whatever effort is needed, and overcome any obstacles which may confront them. Most of us have the ability to achieve almost anything Lack of basic capability is rarely the problem We all have resources of untapped power often we don’t know what we want. fear of failure bottles up our wants If you aim and try you can succeed 6
Goal Setting - Guidelines If it is not in writing, it is not a goal unwritten want is just a wish written goals become a commitment sharing the goal publicly increases your commitment to the goal If it is not specific, it is not a goal broad desires have no effect merely wanting is not enough turn your wishes into concrete goals and plans Goals must be believable if you don’t believe in it, you won’t pay the price An effective goal is an exciting challenge your goals must push you ahead Goals must be adjusted to new information set your goals quickly and adjust them later if you aimed too high/ too low Dynamic goals guide our choices if your goals are set up right they will show you the right way to go on most decisions 8
Goal Setting - Guidelines Don’t set short term goals for more than ninety days set to achieve them don’t lose interest Maintain balance between long-term and short-term goals achievement short term direction for long term Include family in your goals they can help Set goals in all areas of life family, health, sport, personal, work Your goals must harmonise if they conflict, you lose goals get rid of frustration, not create it Review goals regularly long term goals can only be reached through the achievement of short term goals Set vivid goals imagine enjoying your benefits 10
Goal Setting To test each goal, ask: 1. is it worthwhile? 2. can you achieve it? 3. is it clearly defined? 4. have you considered all obstacles? 5. can it be split into sub-goals? Notes 20
Goal Setting Remember and use these vital facts of life:- You can enjoy happiness by trying hard to achieve a goal you regard as worthwhile Your mind has a greater capacity for storing information than any computer Your self image is the mental picture you have of yourself as you believe you are now, which is made up of your beliefs about yourself You can improve your self image and increase your ability by replacing undesirable beliefs with desirable beliefs Use self analysis to examine and improve your self image Remember that your greatest handicap is your belief in your limitations Belief in your own ability is the only genuine positive thinking Notes 21
Goal Setting - SMART Goals Notes 22
Agree SMART objectives Goal Setting - Performance Management Be consistent And Fair! Agree SMART objectives Confirm strategy & tactics Agree review date Monitor performance Action Reward/Counsel/ Train/Coach/ Discipline Revise business needs Review performance The starting point is to agree objectives, confirm the strategy & tactics & agree a review date - 1 month, 6 weeks, or 3 months. Once the objectives have been set, progress needs to be monitored, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Performance is reviewed on the date agreed. Ensure you plan for the Performance review & allow TIME! Try to arrange a convenient time & place. A ten minute review in a coffee shop at the end of a field visit is NOT IDEAL! If the objectives have been achieved, reward in the appropriate way, incentive scheme etc. If they have not, you need to take action. Action may be further training or coaching. There may be a need for counselling if there is a personal issue, & in some instances disciplinary action. The next step is to review the Company’s business needs, the team’s & the individual’s. Then back to the beginning - hence the “rolling management tool”, it rolls on & on!! 26
Goal Setting - Performance Management Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T and in line with Company objectives Objectives should be agreed and documented Objectives should be purposeful and results orientated Objectives should be linked to a desired continual improvement in performance Objectives should not be unclear or biased Notes 27
Goal Setting - Performance Management Objectives can be related to any area of territory / Representative business call rate, number of details, revenue, territory days, selling skills, report writing, performance standards... Set objectives for all Representatives in particular high performing Representatives Determine and agree time period of review 1 month, 6 weeks, 3 months... Set interim milestones measure performance routinely Ensure consistency and simplicity Notes 31
Goal Setting - Performance Management Monitoring Conduct a Performance Review Meeting Share objective and constructive feedback Document performance to date v objectives set Praise and reward or agree corrective actions Discuss territory and Company business needs Revise current objectives and agree future objectives Agree a joint plan of action - work together Confirm that an enhanced performance will deliver GREATER RESULTS Notes 32