Writing an Effective Self Evaluation
WEX’s Performance Appraisal Process Goals and Responsibilities set and entered into Fusion Mid-Year Review End of Year Performance Review Merit STIP if applicable
Tips for Writing your Self Evaluation #1 Make Lists To give yourself a jump start, begin by brainstorming Make a list of accomplishments, feedback (written or verbal) from customers or peers Goals that you met or progress you are making on your goals Things you want to improve on Training you attended and teams or special projects your worked on Be specific
Tips for Writing your Self Evaluation #2 Be Honest Always be truthful – first with yourself Don’t exaggerate your strengths Don’t hide your areas for development Worry about your own performance
Tips for Writing your Self Evaluation #3 Keep it Simple Use a professional tone Be specific and concise Support performance with examples Make sure your assessment ties back to your work performance Check for spelling, grammar and clarity
Tips for Writing your Self Evaluation #4 Have a positive attitude Be positive toward the whole process Be co-operative Demonstrate enthusiasm for the future around improvements Don’t show a negative attitude
Tips for Writing your Self Evaluation #5 Seek Future Responsibilities Plan the short term and long term Try to look for tasks beyond your current responsibilities Think in terms of your personal development Remember the 80/20 Rule
Tips for Writing your Self Evaluation #6 Enlist the Help of a Friend Are my examples specific? Have I described my strengths accurately? Is every statement clear? Is the content pertinent? Am I being objective?
Tips for Writing your Self Evaluation Have Fun and Enjoy your Success You worked hard! Take a deep breath and enjoy all you have accomplished both personally and professionally – prior to moving onto “the next” thing! Life is too short not to make the best and most of everything that comes your way everyday!
Conclusion …..Writing an effective Self Evaluation Recap Brainstorm and Make Lists Be Honest Keep it Simple Have a positive attitude Seek future responsibilities Enlist the help of a friend