SB 493: Ordering Tests Team 6
Ordering Tests SB 493 authorizes pharmacists to order and interpret tests related to managing a patient’s medication regimen 4052(a)(12) “Order and interpret tests for the purpose of monitoring and managing the efficacy and toxicity of drug therapies.”
What Training/Resources Are Needed? Any pharmacist can order and interpret appropriate labs to manage the patient disease and drug therapy CLIA waiver if doing BG or Cholesterol screening at the pharmacy Contract with laboratories (LabCorp or Diagnostic) for lab forms
How Will This Service Operate Once Implemented? Pharmacists must ensure that the ordering tests is done in coordinating with the patient’s PCP or diagnosing prescriber Transmitting written notification to the patient’s diagnosing prescriber Entering the order in patient record system shared with the prescriber
How Will Your Pharmacy Get Paid for This Service? According to CMS, to bill Medicare you need the CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) code for each individual lab Contract with LabCorp or Diagnostic laboratories Cash
What Steps Need to be Taken for This Service to Become a Reality? Ensure all pharmacists on board get appropriate trainings on the appropriate tests to order Contract with laboratories CLIA waiver if doing BG and cholesterol screenings