ORNL DAAC experience with Persistent Identifiers Suresh Vannan Manager, ORNL DAAC Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN santhanavans@ornl.gov July 21, 2016
Durham Area Transit Authority
Data Citations Impact: Determine impact of the ORNL DAAC on Science Metric: Use citation metrics to indicate how many DAAC data sets have been used in peer-reviewed papers, dissertations, or policy reports Access: Allow users to find data through the data citations
Elements of a data product citation Authors Year of publication Data product title Examples: Turner, D.P., W.D. Ritts, and M. Gregory. 2006. BigFoot NPP Surfaces for North and South American Sites, 2000-2004. Data set. Available on-line [http://daac.ornl.gov] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/750. Strahler, A.H., C.L.B. Schaaf, and E. Tsvetsinskaya. 2009. ISLSCP II AVHRR Albedo and BRDF, 1995. In Hall, F.G., G. Collatz, B. Meeson, S. Los, E. Brown de Colstoun, and D. Landis (eds.). ISLSCP Initiative II Collection. Data set. Available on-line [http://daac.ornl.gov/ ] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. doi:10.3334/ORNLDAAC/928 Data center and URL Digital Object Identifiers (after 2008) Date accessed / version number IP/copyright: Institutions and/or funding agencies often have a policy for this Address any embargos on data due to patents, politics etc. Intended future uses/users - Helps determine good data archive to use By thinking about this at planning stages, can prepare data better for future use/users Citation How should dataset be cited How authors should be credited Consult policies and options with data archive you will be using Persistent citation = will not change over time. Consider DOIs 4
Data Citations : Impact
Data Citations : Metrics
Data Citations : Metrics Highly-cited data (Rivdis, soil texture, LAI, NPP, GFED) BOREAS Site-averaged AMS and flux data from FIFE NPP grasslands NPP and IGBP-DIS
Data Citations : Access
Data Citations : Policy http://daac.ornl.gov/citation_policy.html
Data Citations : Next Steps ORCID ID can help understand data and author relationships Data set 1 Author 4 Data set 2 Author 2 Author 1 Author 3
Data Citations : Author ID is useful But….. Community adoption Incomplete metadata Permissions to access ORCID ID metadata Too many ID options (ResearchGate, ORCID..) Citation databases need to evolve Publisher adoption