“Building Great Teams” Intensive Series Session # 1
The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally? Agenda 8:45 Arrival, breakfast and fellowship 9:00 Koinonia Connection 10:00 “Building Great Teams” Session #1 12:00 Lunch 12:30 GPS 2:15 Wrap up / Debrief the day / Admin 2:30 Adjournment
Information + Feelings May 31, 2018 Koinonia Connection X Information + Feelings Information only X PAST Here is something about my past that would help you know me better DEFINING A difficult life experience which helped me MOMENT grow as a person was.. VALUES Here’s what I stand for… Ask your group members to think of a fun event or positive experience they remember from a time they were on a team of any sort earlier in life. Ask everyone to share that memory with the group. Share any prayer requests from group members and pray together/for each other.
The Core Building Blocks The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally? Building Great Teams: The Core Building Blocks
Think of a team you would consider a ‘great team’ … This could be a sports team, a work team, a volunteer team, etc. When everyone has a team in mind… The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Then each share your list with the group. Take a few minutes and individually list some of the characteristics that contribute(d) to this team being ‘great’ in your estimation. Then each share your list with the group. The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Now consider the leader of your identified ‘great team’ Now consider the leader of your identified ‘great team’. (This could be the person with the ‘leader title’ or it might be another person who is the ‘de facto leader’ as a member of the team.) Again, individually make a list of the characteristics of this person’s leadership that enabled the team to be ‘great’. Share your lists. The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Starting with the right foundation- The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally? Building Great Teams: Starting with the right foundation- A Biblical foundation
Read 1 Corinthians 12 (Note that in the parallel passages in Romans 12 and Ephesians 4, Paul also links Spiritual Gifts with the ‘body’ analogy.) Discuss together the implications of the ‘body’ analogy as it relates to teams in the church. The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally? Teams in the Bible: Brainstorm together a list of people in the Bible who worked together in teams.
A few examples: Moses and Joshua/Aaron/Miriam/judges(Deut. 18) David and his ‘Mighty Men’ Jesus and the Disciples Apostles and Deacons of the early church Paul and Silas/Barnabas/Timothy/John Mark/Titus The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Let’s focus on Jesus and the disciples: The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally? Let’s focus on Jesus and the disciples: Consider that Jesus conceivably could have accomplished his earthly ministry and the work of salvation without a group of disciples… But he chose to build into their lives and prepare them to take his message into all the world!
Was Jesus’ team perfect? Did the disciples complicate Jesus’ life from time to time? Why do you think it was God’s preference to use a group of flawed humans to start the church and spread the message of the gospel? The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Consider your own perspective and experience in team building: How important is building a great team to you? On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being ‘extremely important’) how important are teams for your church in your opinion? The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Looking back at your ministry history: How central would you say teams have been to your philosophy of ministry? What ‘successes’ have you experienced and what frustrations have you experienced in team building? 3. Are you convinced team building should be a high priority in your ministry? Why or why not? The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Take a few minutes to quietly assess the current state of ‘team’ in your ministry. 1. Where are there strengths? 2. Where are there weaknesses? 3. What are you hoping to gain for yourself and your ministry over the next months in this ‘Building Great Teams’ Intensive? 4. Write your answers to these questions and leave your responses with the MG Chair. The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Assignments for next Session: Take a significant block of time to think clearly about and write out your philosophy of ministry. Read (or re-read) Sticky Teams by Larry Osborne (Zondervan) Read (or re-read) The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni (Josey-Bass) The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally?
Growing Past Stress GPS Walk your group through the GPS process using the following slides. GPS