Understanding the Cardiorespiratory System Chapter Eleven Understanding the Cardiorespiratory System
The Heart Pulmonary pump Systemic pump Atria Ventricles Septum Aorta Coronary arteries
The Blood Vessels Arteries - carry blood away from the heart Capillaries - smallest blood vessels where the oxygen and nutrients are exchanged for carbon dioxide and waste products Veins - the vessels that carry blood back to the heart
The Respiratory System Diaphragm Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli
Aerobic & Anaerobic Activity Aerobic activities help improve cardiorespiratory fitness - walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, dancing, etc. Anaerobic activities which involve sudden, intensive, explosive muscle contractions can also play a role in cardiorespiratory fitness - sprinting and weight lifting
Cardiovascular Disease Coronary artery disease Atherosclerosis Stroke
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Uncontrollable Risk Factors Heredity (Race) Age Gender (male or female)
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Controllable Risk Factors Smoking High Blood Pressure Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels Improving your Blood Fat Levels Lack of Physical Activity Obesity Diabetes
Understanding the Cardiorespiratory System Cardiorespiratory fitness is considered the most important aspect of physical fitness. Cardiorespiratory fitness enables you to have more energy, a lower level of body fat and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Return to Chapter Menu