Artificial intelligence (AI)
What is ‘ AI ‘ ? Cars that drive themselves •2005: DARPA grand challenge •2011: Google self-driving cars
natural language: The Turing Test http://www. pandorabots natural language: The Turing Test A.L.I.C.E. talking to ELIZA (circa 2005)
natural language: machine translation
natural language: question answering
game: chess
WWW: web search •Ranking is everything smart people in Google, Yahoo WWW: web search •Ranking is everything smart people in Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc. e.g. Peter Norvig •A whole Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) industry Promote your webpage’s rank in search engines Some bad reputations (spam the search engines)
WWW: driving directions
إذن ..ما هو الذكاء الاصطناعي ..! يهدف علم الذكاء الاصطناعي إلى فهم طبيعة الذكاء الإنساني عن طريق عمل برامج للحاسب الآلي قادرة على محاكاة السلوك الإنساني. وتعني قدرة برنامج الحاسب على حل مسألة ما أو اتخاذ قرار في موقف....
يهتم علم الذكاء الاصطناعي بالعمليات المعرفية التي يستخدمها الإنسان في تأدية الأعمال التي نعدها ذكية. وتختلف هذه الأعمال اختلافا بينا في طبيعتها , فقد تكون فهم نص لغوي منطوق أو مكتوب أو لعب الشطرنج أو حل لغز أو مسألة رياضية أو كتابة قصيدة شعرية أو القيام بتشخيص طبي أو الاستدلال على طريق للانتقال من مكان إلى آخر. ويبدأ الباحث في علم الذكاء الاصطناعي عمله أولا باختيار أحد الأنشطة المتفق على أنها ذكية ثم يضع بعض الفروض عما يستخدمه الإنسان لدى قيامه بهذا النشاط من معلومات واستدلالات .. ثم يدخل هذه في برنامج للحاسب الآلي ثم يقوم بملاحظة سلوك هذا البرنامج. ....
History of AI The human aspiration to create intelligent machines has appeared in myth and literature for thousands of years, from stories . After thousands of years of fantasy, the appearance of the digital computer, with its native, human-like ability to process symbols, made it seem that the myth of the man-made intelligence would finally become reality. Origins The early history of artificial intelligence, from Greek myth through the work of Alan Turing in the 1950s. After 1950 The challenges of creating artificial intelligence in the age of the digital computer.
Problems The general problem of simulating (or creating) intelligence has been broken down into a number of specific sub-problems. These consist of particular traits or capabilities that researchers would like an intelligent system to display. The traits described below have received the most attention :
Deduction, reasoning, problem solving الاستدلال,المنطق,حل المشكلات Knowledge representation تمثيل المعرفة Planning التخطيط Learning التعلم Natural language processing معالجة اللغات الطبيعية Motion and manipulation الحركة والتعامل Perception الإدراك Main articles: Machine perception, Computer vision, and Speech recognition Social intelligence الذكاء الاجتماعي
List of programming languages IPL[1] was the first language developed for artificial intelligence. Lisp[2] is a practical mathematical notation for computer programs based on lambda calculus. Prolog[3][4] is a declarative language where programs are expressed in terms of relations, and execution occurs by running queries over these relations. Prolog is particularly useful for symbolic reasoning, database and language parsing applications. Prolog is widely used in AI today. STRIPS is a language for expressing automated planning problem instances. Planner is a hybrid between procedural and logical languages. AI applications are also often written in standard languages like C++ and languages designed for mathematics, such as MATLAB and Lush.
What is the Applications of artificial intelligence ?... now What is the Applications of artificial intelligence ?...
Hybrid intelligent system Intelligent agent Intelligent control Typical problems to which AI methods are applied Pattern recognition Optical character recognition Handwriting recognition Speech recognition Face recognition Artificial Creativity Computer vision, Virtual reality and Image processing Diagnosis (artificial intelligence) Game theory and Strategic planning Game artificial intelligence and Computer game bot Natural language processing, Translation and Chatterbots Nonlinear control and Robotics Other fields in which AI methods are implemented Artificial life Automated reasoning Automation Biologically inspired computing Concept mining Data mining Knowledge representation Semantic Web E-mail spam filtering Robotics Behavior-based robotics Cognitive Cybernetics Developmental robotics Epigenetic robotics Evolutionary robotics Hybrid intelligent system Intelligent agent Intelligent control Litigation
What have we learned TODAY ?
There’s no magic in AI. It’s all about optimization, statistics, logic, and algorithms.