Welcome to Art! Mrs. Greatorex
PAWS & Behavior Expectations Positive Attitude Acts Responsible Works Together Shows Respect
What is art and why is it important? To learn about ourselves- our feelings and ideas about what is beautiful and what is important to us.
What is art and why is it important? To learn about other people- Their feelings and ideas about what is beautiful and what is important to them.
What is art and why is it important? To learn about other cultures- the VALUES and BELIEFS that shaped their visual arts Every culture defines beauty in its own unique way. Most people think something is beautiful if it appeals to their Heart, Eyes, and Mind. It’s okay not to like a piece of art, maybe your eyes, heart or mind does not connect to it. Beauty found by the Eyes can happen because of the Elements of art.
Elements of art Line Shape Color Value Form Texture Space
Line Strokes that show motion and connect two points. Vertrical Horizontal Diagonal Curved Straight Zig zag
Shape Area enclosed when both sides of a line meet. Geometric Organic (freeform) 2-D
color Hue Complimentary Analogous Primary Secondary Intermediate Part of the color wheel Neutral colors are not on the color wheel Black, white, grey, brown
value The lightness and darkness of an object or color Often used with drawings Shading Highlight
texture The feel of an object or its surface Real or implied
space What is between objects Positive space Negative space How far away or close something looks in a piece of art
form 3-D object Shows mass Clay and sculptures
What can I expect this year? Art to Remember 4th and 5th grade projects