Ms. Gonzales English/ Reading 9th Chapin High School Ms. Gonzales English/ Reading 9th
Welcome to Ms. Gonzales’ Class Years at Chapin Years as an English Teacher A little about myself
My Philosophy of Education Prepare my students to become successful individuals for college and workforce. Give my students the knowledge, skills, and experience that they will need to become successful in college and workforce. Generate individual ideas. Everyone is unique and it is my responsibility to help students find their strengths. Promote learning and personal development through teaching activities.
Expected Behavior Follow directions. Observe “ALL” class room rules. *Keep all personal electronics away.
Student Agenda
Top 7 Attendance Policy Communication Devices Display of Affection Dress Code Make-up when absent from school Student Behavior Tardy Policy
1. Attendance Policy To obtain credit for a class, a student must attend at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered per semester. Failure to attend the amount required will result in loss of credit. With the Modified Block Schedule, this means a student may have up to four absences in a class but will lose credit on the fifth absence.
2. Communication Devices At your own risk you are permitted during the lunch hour and prior to the 8:45 a.m. bell to use headsets, cell phones, and speakers at school. They are not permitted and need to be out of sight during instructional time. If any devices are used during instruction these devices will be confiscated and turned in to the Business Office. Failure to turn over devices will result in a 3 day suspension. To obtain the release of the device a fee of $15.00 will be paid.
3. Display of Affection Excessive embracing, hugging or kissing is prohibited on campus
4. Dress Code
Dress Code Chapin strives to have a school that is clean, orderly and safe where students are proud to attend. The school administration, faculty and staff will continue to encourage all students to dress in a fashion that reflects good taste and a style appropriate for a school environment.
Dress Code Continued If administration determines that a student’s grooming violate the dress code, the administration will issue a verbal warning and allow students to correct the problem at school. A student may request that a parent bring replacement clothing. If the dress code violation remains uncorrected the student shall be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day or until the problem is corrected.
Dress Code Continued Repeated violation and those occurring after the second week of school will receive immediate ISS. Warning and changes will take place during the first two weeks of each semester. After the tow week window, students are expected to be in compliance.
Dress Code No-No’s Clothing is not to be sexually suggestive or indecent. Shoes must be worn at all times, steel toes shoes are prohibited, and slippers are not considered shoes. Hats and/or caps may not be worn in any of the buildings on campus. If caps are worn outside the building they must be worn with bill to the front. Hats/ caps may be confiscated if worn in violation of such policy and may be returned at the end of the six weeks period.
Dress Code No-No’s The “torn clothing look” is not allowed. Spandex sportswear is not allowed. Oversized shirts and blouses are a safety concern and are not permitted. Facial and body piercing jewelry is a safety concern and may not be worn. The only exception- small nose studs.
Dress Code No-No’s Hair that is colored, dyed, styled or shaved with designs/symbols in a manner that may cause a distraction to the learning environment is prohibited. Undergarments must be covered at all times. Ladies no short-short skirts or shorts
5. Make up work when you are absent Make-up work assigned prior to an excused absence is due on the first day of the retur from absence. Make-up work will be allowed for an excused absence. It is YOUR responsibility to request make-up work. A minimum of one day of make-up time must be allowed for each day absent.
Make up work when you are absent continued Failure to make-up work will result in a grade of zero. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING WORK COMPLETED AND TURNED IN DURING THE ALLOTTED TIME FRAME.
6. Student Behavior At no time may a student disrupt the instructional process. Students must obey classroom rules posted in every classroom. Profanity is inappropriate at anytime in any place. Running in the halls and any type of horseplay is prohibited. Any student involved in misbehavior at any school activity will be subject to disciplinary action. This is to include school sponsored activities away from campus. Police charges will be filed against students involved in a criminal activity. Remember, YOU represent CHS, do so with pride.
7. Tardy Policy YOU are expected to arrive to class on time and be prepared to learn. 3rd Tardy: Detention Students have 24 hours to serve detention. It is YOUR responsibility to report to detention. 6th Tardy: ISS 9th Tardy: OSS 12th Tardy: AEP
Hall Passes Do not ask to go to the restroom the first 10 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes of class. You will be allowed to go to the restroom 3 times a every 9 weeks.
Agendas Write your name on the front with permanent marker. Restroom pass Policy Student I.D. Policy
School Calendar 2017-2018
“Notes” Student Center is at the student Center Located next to Ms. Gonzales’ desk. Tardy: Morning and After Lunch Tardy Sweeps are a regular occurrence on campus. After School Tutoring Tutoring Make-up work Questions about grades/ extra credit Eligibility Cards can be filled out before school, Lunch and afterschool. Grades
“NOTES” continued After School Hours are used for the following: All grades will be kept confidential. Make-up work in a class requires my attention as a teacher. In order to inform student of the lesson, procedure, due date, and student signature to confirm all minor and major projects due dates.
“NOTES” continued Extra Credit
Final Look Expected Behavior Student Agenda Hall Passes Attendance Policy Communication Devices Display of Affection Dress Code Make-up when absent from school Student Behavior Tardy Policy Hall Passes School Calendar
Final Thoughts: By Me! This power point presentation will be posted onto my website at: