Terms and Conditions Review 2011 John Vinuesa
Supplier Board Project Objectives Structure and Process Project Stages Content Background Supplier Board Project Objectives Structure and Process Project Stages Overall Supplier Board Project Plan SIG Review Project Plan
Background Background: The NHS Supply Chain Standard Conditions of Contract were inherited from PASA when NHS Supply Chain was established in 2006 At the time they were updated with a limited number of changes changed the reference to NHS Supply Chain A review was commissioned in 2008 / 2009, the changes were never implemented The current Terms and Conditions no longer reflect the NHS Supply Chain business, the procurement environment and a number of Suppliers and Trade Associations have raised concerns about some of the terms In 2011 it was agreed that NHS Supply Chain would consult with internal and external stakeholders in order to inform a revised set of Terms and Conditions NHS Supply Chain has now held a number of internal stakeholder meetings, has reviewed previous external stakeholder feedback and has started the revised drafting process NHS Supply Chain is looking to consult and collaborate further with external stakeholders including the Department of Health, NHS Business Services Authority, Trade Associations and Suppliers The expectation is that this, the Supplier Board, will facilitate the consultation process with Trade Associations and Suppliers
Supplier Board Project Objectives Support the development of a new standard set of Terms and Conditions that meets the requirements of NHS Supply Chain, Suppliers, Customers, Department of Health and the BSA Agree the review and feedback process Create a Terms and Conditions Special Interest Group Agree and source the membership of the SIG The SIG to undertake the review process and feedback findings and recommendations to NHS Supply Chain
Review Structure and Process Create a Terms and Conditions Special Interest Group Invite members sourced from the Medical Supplier Board or nominated by the Board from wider supplier base, the Department of Health and the BSA Trade Association SIG Members consult their own members and report back Overall findings and recommendations discussed at a Special Interest Group Workshop The feedback will be considered as part of the development of the revised Terms and Conditions Conclusions will be presented back to the Medical Supplier Board by NHS Supply Chain
Project Stages February NHS Supply Chain issue Terms and Conditions to SIG, along with a summary of changes document. NHSSC host clarification surgeries for individual SIG members SIG Members organise their own members consultation processes March Interim SIG Group Session (if required) SIG Members submit individual feedback to NHSSC SIG Workshop with NHSSC to understand feedback and discuss options June NHSSC reports SIG findings to NHS Supply Chain Medical Supplier Board NHSSC External Communications Programme July Go - Live
Medical Supplier Board Review Project Plan 66 – 76 details the Dec Supplier Board meeting 79 NHSSC will issue the Draft T&C’s 80 two weeks later NHSSC will host a day of individual surgeries for members to clarify understanding of the T&Cs 82 I have built in an optional Interim meeting if the group feel this is necessary (probably not) 83 After 4 weeks (which should include the members own consultation processes) we require responses in writing 84 NHSSC will host a Feedback workshop with the SIG to discuss responses 85 NHSSC to internally consult and decide on responses to SIG Feedback 86 New draft Terms considering SIG input created 88 – 93 Details that we will provide feedback to the June Supplier Board 95 and 96 are the concluding stages (in terms of external consultation ) with Final Trade Association and Supplier Feedback at the end of June before July launch
SIG Review Breakdown