NHS England eDEC 2017/18: summary of proposed changes Introduction Working with CQC to review content and help align questions so CQC can also make use of information where necessary and avoid asking practices to resubmit similar responses to questions pre-inspection e.g. opening times information, reduces bureaucracy. - Premises directions were updated in November 2016. For next eDEC to do is updating references accordingly. 2 questions removed 7 new questions 2 questions have been revised 2 amendments to response options to GPIT section
Questions for removal: 4J. 10% or more patients at this practice are registered for one or more of online services? Yes/No 6E. The practice is using GP2GP to transfer patient records. Yes/No Rationale: Compliance can assessed using data which is available from NHS Digital.
Revised Question We currently ask: 4K (N). If ‘No’ does the practice have a plan to have at least 10% of patients registered by 31 March 2017 Yes/No To amend as: 4K (r) If the practice does not have at least 20% of patients registered for one or more of online services, does it have a plan to reach this by 31 March 2018? Yes/No Rationale: threshold changed to 20% (was 10% last year).
Revised Question In the eDEC we ask the question: NHS Employers will negotiate with GPC what the new ‘max indicative rate’ will be for 2017/18 as part of contract negotiations (updating figure £80.01 in line with 1% recent rise to NHS staff salaries), this value will not be known for correction until much closer to the time of the next eDEC data collection.
Alteration to response options Currently we ask: We will alter the response option 1 to question 8F to be specific for out-patients and then separately for in-patients.
Alteration to response options Currently we ask: Proposal is to increase response options, greater granularity also reference (GMS contract 2015/16 review letter) Question 8A Response Options:-Tick all that apply The practice promotes and offers the facility for patients and care homes and nursing homes to receive consultations electronically, either by email, video consultation or other electronic means. Patients Nursing Homes Care Homes None or N/A Email Video Telephone Online consultations (e.g. Electronic questionnaires, text messaging systems, etc.)
New Question on: Frailty Index Intro: We have agreed a new contractual requirement to be introduced from 1 July 2017. Practices will use an appropriate tool, e.g. Electronic Frailty Index (eFI) to identify patients aged 65 and over who are living with moderate and severe frailty. More information on the requirement on NHS England website. Questions about this requirement please email NHS E on XX@nhs.net. Question: The practice is using an appropriate tool (for example the electronic Frailty Index) to identify people living with frailty (which is then subject to clinical confirmation)?. Y/N If Yes: which tool is the practice using? Select from options.
New voluntary question: SNOMED-CT implementation VOLUNTARY Question 8I (n) The Practice has been approached regarding the use of SNOMED-CT and is engaged in the process? Yes/ No Rationale: Introduction of SNOMED-CT will affect all GP practices in England, the question supports awareness raising and further also supports implementation.
New Question: Enriched Summary Care Record Question 8J(n): The practice is enriching the Summary Care Record of patients who have given their consent, including those living with severe frailty? Yes/No Rationale: There is no other reliable means to obtain these data. The GMS contract 2017/18 includes a requirement to be introduced in 1 July 2017 to identify those patients who meet the severe frailty criteria. The response above is not limited to those who have severe frailty and aged 65 and over, instead it refers to all the patients in a practice who have consented for their records to be enriched. The reason for this is to reduce the burden to GPs in responding to the question.
New Questions: Whistleblowing Question 5J (n): Has the GP practice updated their whistleblowing policy in light of published guidance? link to the whistleblowing guidance: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2016/11/support-whistleblowers-pc/ Question 5K (n): Has the practice identified someone external to the practice staff can raise concerns with in confidence (e.g. freedom to speak up guardian, local whistleblowing lead)?
New Question: Prevent Strategy Question 2L (n): The practice can confirm that healthcare workers employed by the practice are familiar with the Government’s Prevent strategy and that healthcare workers have attended PREVENT training in the past 3 years? Ref. 10.143 page 88 Prevent Strategy, HM Gov link: https://www.gov.uk/.../file/97976/prevent-strategy-review.pdf Background: Requested by Number 10 to add question to eDEC to support further implementation of Government’s Prevent Strategy.
New Question: half day closures Is the practice closed for half a day each week during core contract hours? Monday Y/N Tuesday Y/N Wednesday Y/N Thursday Y/N Friday Y/N