Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: Year 1 Results Lisa A. Hark, PhD, RD; Michael Waisbourd, MD; Kamran Rahmatnejad, MD; Jonathan S. Myers, MD Scott J. Fudemberg, MD; Anand Mantravadi, MD; Jeffrey Henderer, MD; Julia Haller, MD, and L. Jay Katz, MD Wills Eye Hospital Glaucoma Research Center and Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA Purpose Results Results To conduct a RCT to test an innovative, community-based intervention using optic nerve and fundus photography to improve access and utilization of eye care to detect, treat, and manage at-risk patients with previously undiagnosed glaucoma and other eye diseases. A total of 644 patients attended the study between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016 (Table1). . Table 1: Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection Study Subjects Variable Data (n=644) Age, mean (SD), y 58.8 (10.4) Gender, Male, n (%) 274 (42.5) Race, n (%) African American 393 (61.0) White 122 (18.9) Unknown 92 (14.3) Asian 33 (5.1) Other 4 (0.7) Visual Acuity Right Eye, mean (SD), logMAR 0.20 (0.2) Left Eye, mean (SD), logMAR 0.24 (0.2) IOP > 21 mmHg, n (%) 120 (18.6) Right Eye, n (%), mmHg 83 (12.9) Left Eye, n (%), mmHg 84 (13.0 ) Diabetes, n (%) 35 (55.4) HgbA1C, mean (SD), % 7.3 (2.1) HTN, n (%) 429 (66.6) SBP, mean (SD), mmHg 130.2 (17.0) DBP, mean (SD), mmHg 78.7 (9.8) IOP: Intraocular pressure; DM: Diabetes mellitus; HTN: Hypertension; SBP: Systolic blood pressure; DBP: Diastolic blood pressure Methods Subjects (African Americans, Hispanic, or Asian individuals age >45; Caucasian age >65; and those age >40 with diabetes or a family history of glaucoma) are offered eye screenings (Visit 1) in PCP offices and Federally Qualified Health Centers (Figure 1). Visit 1 consists of an ocular, medical, and family history; fundus photographs using a non-mydriatic, auto-focus, hand-held fundus camera (Volk, Ohio, USA); IOP (icare, Helsinki, Finland); and visual acuity. Subjects with abnormal images and unreadable photos are invited for a complete eye exam in the same community location (Visit 2) (Figure 1). Satisfaction surveys are administered to all subjects at Visit 1 and analyzed independently by Westat, Inc. 42% of the telemedicine screening results were normal, 37% were abnormal, 16% were unreadable, and 5% had OHTN (Figure 2). Of the abnormal results, 32.7% were glaucoma-suspect, 7.7% had diabetic retinopathy, and 7.6% had other retina pathology (Figure 3). Satisfaction survey results showed that 99.7% (n=642/644) of the individuals screened were satisfied or very satisfied with Visit 1. 98.1% (n=632/644) said they were likely or very likely to recommend the eye screening program to a family member. Conclusion This project clearly demonstrates how a community-based telemedicine screening can improve access, detection, and follow-up eye care of individuals at high-risk for glaucoma and other eye diseases. Conducting eye screenings and complete eye examinations in primary care offices and federally qualified health centers holds promise in improving follow-up eye care and delaying vision loss in high-risk populations. Visit 2 (PCP) Eye exam n=600 Visit 1 (PCP) Fundus photos n=2500 Visit 3-7: Intervention n=150 Visit 3-7 Usual Care Figure 1: Patient Visits 1-7 Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement:U01 DP005127 Contact: Lisa Hark, PhD, RD Wills Eye Hospital