Class 1 Summer Term 2, 2017 Food, Glorious Food! Welcome back! I hope you have all had an enjoyable and restful half term. We are now entering the final half term of the year and are looking forward to a busy half term with lots of exciting learning opportunities. Our topic is ‘Food Glorious Food’ where the children will be learning about where our food comes from in the world and the journey it goes on to reach our plates. We are also looking forward to our Healthy Heathwood Fortnight where the children will be learning about the importance of exercise, healthy eating and looking after ourselves. Our PE days will still be Monday and Thursday so the children will need shorts, t-shirts and appropriate PE shoes in school on these days. Our book change days are now Monday, Wednesday and Friday So please ensure reading books are in school ready to be changed. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you read at home with your child please note and sign their diary on the appropriate day. As always thank you for your continued support. Miss Candler Summer Term 2, 2017 Food, Glorious Food!
Music RE/PSHCE ICT Art / DT PE Maths Food, Glorious Food! Reflect, Rewind and Replay Recapping and revising our learning from the year on the interrelated dimensions of music. RE/PSHCE Self hygiene. Caring for our teeth. Healthy eating and exercise. Healthy Heathwood Week Exploring Islam ICT We are celebrating Creating digital greetings cards. Art / DT Van Gogh Creating sunflower pictures with pastels. Where our food comes from. Design, make and evaluate fruit salads and a healthy breakfast pot using different skills and tools. PE Athletics Rounders Geography / History Where in the world our food comes from. History of food over past 80 years. Science Plants and growing – making observations and enjoying our garden. English Focus text ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ ‘The Secret garden’ Instruction writing. Descriptive writing. Writing letters. Handwriting Daily phonics Maths Counting, ordering numbers, reading and writing numbers. Measurement, numbers and place value, simple fractions, addition and subtraction, properties of shapes. Focus on practical investigative problem solving activities. Food, Glorious Food!