Library Lisa-Dai Venker
Library & Lab Use Library Lab Promethean / Projector 5-6 computer / laptops Lab Projector 32 computers Sign up – give mods -email -library calendar -Co-Teach
Library Lab Use log in Printing = teacher folders Can in library Top right drawer Printing = teacher folders Can in library
AV Equipment Flip Cam Camera TV’s DVD VHS Comcast Cable Overhead – send down light bulb Tape Player CD Players ActiveExpressions Jen/Michelle Edline Grades Documents Mass emails Pictures (bcps policy) Calendar Online links Video/widgets Edline
New this year…. Research Portals Lightspeed !YEAH! (, Windows 7 Gradepro online / Edline Student Login’s– out of network login’s Destiny – one search Research Portals
Technology Integration Research Portals Journey of Discovery Lewis and Clark – Research Bed Bugs and Natural Selection –Slam Dunk Online Engagement
Stuff I know Gradepro PB Works Wiki pages MS-Word, Excel, Publisher, Photostory Dreamweaver Google-docs, maps, iGoogle, calendar, BrainPop General computer questions Clip Art Safari Montage Animoto and One True Media (photo/audio stories) Promethean/Activexpressions/Activotes Glogster (interactive posters) Survey Monkey Sliderocket Voicethread (student voice recordable/photo) Voki’s Wall Wisher (online/interactive note sharing) Wordle (word clouds) Random other facts (especially dog and animal stuff)