Key Terms 1 Unit 1 World History Ancient Civilizations: Religions
Essential Question: Compare and contrast the different religions discussed
Write which religions each of these pictures represent 2 1 Write which religions each of these pictures represent 4 3 “Could someone please tell me what the one true religion is in the world?” “What is the nature of religion?” “Why do people worship?” “What is the point of religion?” Religion – in whatever form it takes – has played a major role in shaping society. Whether that society was thousands of years ago or exists today.
1. Theistic Beliefs Monotheistic - The belief in one God. Islamic, Christian, Judaism Polytheistic – the belief in many Gods. Hinduism Non-Theistic – does not believe in a God. Confucianism, Buddhism
2. Judaism One of the oldest religions still in practice today Centered in Israel Holy book: Torah Scrolls of the Torah.
The Roman crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth - a Jew. 3. Christianity Began as an offshoot of the Jewish religion. watch?v=4Z6CArFTLmk Belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Jesus Christ died for our sins Belief in Heaven and Hell and eternal salvation. The Roman crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth - a Jew.
4. Islam Based on the teachings of Mohammad. Absolute unity and omnipotence of Allah, God. The five pillars of Islam. Recite the profession of faith. Pray five times a day. Fast and pray during Ramadan. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca – once. Give alms to the Muslim poor.
Shiva – Cosmic Dancer. The creator and the destroyer. 5. Hinduism Shiva – Cosmic Dancer. The creator and the destroyer. Many sacred scriptures called the Vedas. Goal: to reach union with the high god, Brahma. Thousands of gods were worshipped. Hinduism evolves out of Brahmanic tradition. Hinduism is a guide to life, the goal of which is to reach union with the high god, Brahma. In the quest for Brahma, people are to observe dharma, the moral law. Dharma stipulates the legitimate pursuits of Hindus: Material gain: as long as it is honestly and honorably achieved. Pleasure and Love: for the perpetuation of the family. Moksha: release from the wheel of life and unity with Brahma NEXT SLIDE: Dharma…
6. Buddhism Siddhartha Guatama, 500 B.C.E. The Four Noble Truths. Siddhartha Guatama, son of a chief, upset over the plight of the poor, left and went off to meditate. Found that a person could reach nirvana by following the “middle-way.” Four Noble Truths: Pain and suffering, frustration and anxiety, are ugly but inescapable parts of human life. Suffering and anxiety are caused by human desires and attachments. People can understand their weaknesses and triumph over them. This triumph is made possible by following a simple code of conduct, the eightfold path. NEXT SLIDE: Eight Fold Path: Depiction of Siddhartha Guatama – considered the Buddha.
Four Noble Truths: (just read – don’t write) Pain and suffering, frustration and anxiety, are ugly but inescapable parts of human life. Suffering and anxiety are caused by human desires and attachments. People can understand their weaknesses and triumph over them. This triumph is made possible by following a simple code of conduct, the eightfold path.
Eight Fold Path: 1. Right view 2. Right thought 3. Right speech 4. Right action 5. Right livelihood 6. Right effort 7. Right mindfulness 8. Right concentration
7. Confucianism Philosophy of Confucius and NOT religion. Children are to respect their parents. Five cardinal relationships. Repaying and respecting parents and ancestors. Confucius
Five Relationships between : Ruler and ruled Father and son Older brother and younger brother Husband and wife Friend and friend In each, Confucius said, “the superior person should set an example for the inferior one”
Answer the Essential Question in five complete sentences: Compare and contrast the different religions discussed