The Eatwell Guide Key words: Balanced Diet A diet that provides adequate amounts of nutrients and energy. Eatwell Guide A healthy eating model, to encourage people to eat the correct proportions of food to achieve a balanced diet.
The Eatwell Guide Take the Eatwell Challenge. What is your score? Print screen your feedback window
The Eatwell Guide – add the appropriate food to the guide - What is no longer part of the Eatwell guide and why? What is the recommended daily amount of water, lower fat milk, sugar free drinks including tea and coffee that we should drink per day?
The Eatwell Guide Fruit juices and smoothies should be limited to ___________. What vegetable is not part of fruit and veg? __________. What part of the Eatwell Guide does cous- cous belong? ____________
Sugar Sugar Key Words Free Sugars Added to foods and drinks by manufacturers, cooks or consumers and found naturally in honey, syrups and fruit juice. Not Free Sugars Found naturally in products, e.g. in milk.
Sugar Reducing the amount of sugar can reduce the risk of: What is the RDA of sugar for: 4 -6 years 7- 10 years From 11 years, including adults. Name 8 different types of free sugars.
Key points How much of our food energy should come from fat? ___________. What percentage of carbohydrates should supply our food energy? _________. How much of our food energy should come from sugar? ___________.
Describe the eight tips for healthy eating stated by the government.
Size Matters How much small sized fruit is considered a portion? What weight is a portion of dried fruit? How much is a portion of baked beans?