Speech Recognition Calculator ECE 4884 - L02 - Group 8 Alfredo Herrera John Holmes Josh Liang Alex Kee
Presentation Overview Project Objectives Project Approach Design Overview Market Analysis Cost Analysis Current Status
Project Objectives Currently a Speech Recognition Calculator with the following features does not exist: Hands-free user interaction. Ability to perform simple arithmetic. Reasonable accuracy. Inexpensive cost. Our group seeks to create such a Speech Recognition Calculator.
Project Objectives For Who? Why create this Product? What is the Cost? Population with disabilities (limited hearing, vision, and movement). Why create this Product? Existing products fail to adequately fulfill the needs of the population with disabilities, hands-free operation. What is the Cost? ~$200 final sale price. ~$100 to manufacture.
Project Approach Arrows denote flow of data
Design Overview
Hardware Design: Flowchart Get rid of LCD Display.
Design Overview Hardware: Software: C and Java HM2007 interfaced with Arduino Read 8 bits Software: C and Java Arduino Programmed with C Java acts as GUI
Design Overview
Software Design: Code Flowchart
Software Design: Processing Flow Serial.read() GUI Display Serial.clear() Serial.clear() Y Delimiter? Serial.read() N
Market Analysis Designed for the disabled. Existing voice recognition calculators on the market fail to combine the following features: Hands-free user interaction. Ability to perform simple arithmetic. Reasonable accuracy. Inexpensive cost.
Cost Analysis
Cost Analysis
Cost Analysis
Cost Analysis
Current Status: Objectives Met Completely Hands Free Cost is around $230 Recognizes Numbers, Operators, and Words Accuracy within 70% Remote Connection Capability
Current Status: Problems Speaker Independence: Accents Tone Accuracy: Four Six Software: Arithmetic Solution Java to C Interfacing Solution