Multi-Media Room Bridge Adapter Design RTLAB Multi-Media Room Bridge Adapter Design Part I. PXA255 Main Processor 경북대학교 실시간시스템연구실 이 명 진 Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
Agenda Multimedia Room Bridge Adapter 개요도 Main Device Power Consumption Intel PXA255 Mobile Processor Processor Package Memory Interface SDRAM Interface Flash Memory Interface Extension Card Interface Variable Latency I/O Interface LCD Interface Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
1.1 Multi-Media Room Bridge Adapter 초안 개요도 Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
1.2 Multi-Media Room Bridge Adapter 수정 개요도 Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
2. Main Device Power Consumption 주요 부품 제조사 규격 핀수 Clock Core / PLL I/O 전력 소모 (W) 비고 전압 (V) PLL 전압 (V) 최고 전류 (A) PXA255-400MHz Intel mBGA 256 3.684MHz, 32KHz 1.3 (1.5) 0.8 3.3 0.355 2.598 Intel Xscale Mobile Chip NW721 Divio PBGA 27MHz 1.8 0.5 Divio DV Codec TSB43Cx43A TI PQFP 176 24.576MHz 1.8 (Self) TI iceLynx-Micro Chip EP1C3-144Pin Altera TQFP 144 1.5 0.622 (I/O 포함) 0.93 Altera Cyclone FPGA (50000~60000 Gates) CS8900A Cirrus Logic 100 20MHz 0.045 0.15 10Base-T Ethernet Chip TSB81BA3 PFP 80 49.152MHz 1.8 & 3.3 2.01 ~ 5.05 IEEE1394b Physical Layer Controller (400Mbps) 98.304MHz 800Mbps TW9903 Techwell LQFP 0.09(D) + 0.03(A) 0.4 NTSC/PAL Video Decoder SAA7121 Philips QFP 44 0.045(D) + 0.062(D) 0.35 NTSC/PAL Encoder UDA1355 0.1 0.33 Stereo audio codec with SPDIF interface CY7C53150 Cypress 64 5 0.055 (I/O 포함) 0.275 Neuron Chip Network Processor Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.1 PXA255 Processor 개요 Intel XScale 32bit Mobile Processor ARM Architecture Version 5TE ISA compliant Low power consumption and high performance Peripheral Integration Memory Controller Clock and Power Controller USB (Universal Serial Bus) Client DMA Controller LCD Controller AC97 IIS (Inter-IC Sound, Interface Inter-Sound) Controller MMC (Multi-Media Card) FIR (Fast InfraRed) Communication Synchronous SPP (Serial Port Protocol) IIC (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Controller GPIO UARTs (with Bluetooth) RTC (Real Time Clocks) OS Timers PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Interrupt Control Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.2 PXA255 Processor Package Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.3 PXA255 Memory Interface Configuration Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.4 PXA255 Interface Example (cont.) SDRAM Interface Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.5 PXA255 Interface Example (cont.) Flash Memory Interface Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.6 PXA255 Interface Example (cont.) Expansion Card External Logic for a One-Socket Configuration PCMCIA or Compact Flash Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.6 PXA255 Interface Example (cont.) Variable Latency I/O Ex) Ethernet Interface, TFT-LCD Interface, LonWorks Interface, etc. PC 기반의 ISA 버스에 연결되는 디바이스 인터페이스에 유용 Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB
3.6 PXA255 Interface Example Active Color Display Typical Connection Data Connection Line은 LCD Manufacturer에 따라 달라질 수 있슴 Feb. 18, 2004 KNU RTLAB