Philippova Ann, 401 group Photos for captions
Authoring your captions Insert speech bubbles using AutoShapes on the Drawing Toolbar (View > Toolbars > Drawing) Add text by clicking inside the shape and typing. Move the pointer using the yellow ‘handle’.
Instructions Look at the situations in the photos. Choose some of the photos and write suitable speech for the situation. The first is done for you.
I’d like a nice steak for dinner tonight. This meat is on special if you’re interested. Thank you, we’ll take it.
I’m working on it, don’t worry I want to look perfect this evening. It can change my entire life!
What do you think about this one? It looks gorgeous, I want to take it.
I’m not sure I can go over it... I know you will. I’ll be by your side. This is what are friends for.
Merry Christmas, grandfather! I’ve made it. Merry Christmas, dear! Thank you so much, I can’t wait to open it. What is inside? Merry Christmas, grandfather! I’ve made it.
As far as I can see, your work here is not finished yet As far as I can see, your work here is not finished yet. But you promised to build it two months ago, actually.. Yes, we had some problems with the material, but everything will be ready in a week.
Do you actually believe in what you are talking about? Our company is the best one in this sphere. We work hard and have better results from day to day. But we don’t even have enough money to pay the salary to workers..
Yes, thank you, but not the whole glass, a half would be enough Do you want some milk? Yes, thank you, but not the whole glass, a half would be enough Honey, don’t speak while eating … Mooom, I just wanted to ask for some milk too..