ID 242 Portfolio Development Spring 2017 Zina AlaswaD
Tectonic Transformations
3D form construction There are many ways for creating 3D form from 2D compositions. Several architectural trends stem from simple 3D formation methods: Folding architecture
3D form construction Architects: Peter Eisenman Richard Meier Mies van der Rohe
3D form construction Wrapping: One element creates innovative forms and enclosures
3D form construction Addition and subtraction: Creating voids and masses through adding or removing forms. Extruding surfaces and objects
3D form construction Abstraction and Rotation: Notice here how the main mass is analyzed to smaller masses. The masses are then joined and rotated to add a sense of motion and interest.
3D form construction Weaving: Manipulating surfaces and masses as if they are fabric, regular and irregular.
3d form construction Suspension and Cantilevers
3D form construction Spend the first hour of the class experimenting with the videos in the following links, in addition to the sheets provided for you.
Apply to your project After having experimented with the different techniques of form making, apply what you think is appropriate to your own project. Do not throw away your trials. Take photos of them to document them. Sketch ideas if it helps your thought process. Use thin and thick materials to explore how materials impact form making. Document your tectonic transformation process by completing the following: A written brief of poetic inspiration (derived from the artistic piece), and form making methods used. Photographs of process: assembly, disassembly, reassembly Artifacts of process: Thumbnails of model(s) and sketches.